WORK IN PROGRESS - Last updated - 02/06/2019 - Bar-Knight added. n.b. I'm currently working on the Japanese Index. I will turn my attention to this index in due course.


Bar-Knight Model Engineering Co. Ltd., Margaret Street, Glasgow, C.I., Scotland. Founded 1910 - present. Formed as the manufacturing arm of the Clyde Model Dockyard. Initially produced scaled model locomotives and steam engines. Trademark / Logo = none known. - Original Advertising

Burnett Ltd., London, England. Trade Mark / Logo = St. George on horseback within a ring marked Burnett Ltd, London. Founded 1914 - 1939. Founded by F. Burnett and E. Satchwell. The company sold a range of tin plate toys and also produced the 'Ubilda' range of very simple tinplate construction toys which included cars, planes, trains, forts and a model of London's Tower Bridge. There was also a range of toy cash boxes, a number of novelty, pillar box shaped, money boxes and a range of 'book' money boxes printed with the titles and pictures from famous childrens novels (e.g. Treasure Island). Actual manufacturing was carried out by Barringer, Wallis & Manners Co. Ltd. The company got into financial problems in 1939 and their tooling was aquired by Chad Valley who continued to produce many of the toys after the war. Burnett Trademark - Burnett Ubilda Fort

Cambrian Can & Drum Co. Ltd. (Camtoy). Port Talbot, South Wales. Trade Mark / Logo = The wording "CAMTOY" within a diamond. Founded 1939 - unknown. Produced a range of toys including mechanical toys including cars lorries etc. Camtoy Trademark - 

Chad Valley.

Childs & Smith Ltd. (Nulli Secundus). Nulli Secundus Works, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England. Founded - not known. Produced a number of toys including an "Electrotor-Powered Aeroplane", the "Worlds First Remote Controlled Electric Helicopter" and a remote controlled car. The helicopter was later produced in a Dan Dare version. A modified version was also produced where the helicopter was replaced by a flying saucer. This is the only known commercial tie-in of a toy with the film Forbidden Planet (1956). Strictly speaking most of the companies products were manufactured from sheet metals other than tin plate. Trade Mark / Logo = Heraldic style design with shield and crown. Superimposed is a motto scroll containing the words "Nulli Secundus" (from the Latin meaning "Second to None") and "British Made". The letter C and S on the shield almost certainly stand for Childs & Smith. Childs & Smith Trademark - Original Advertising

Cowan de Groot Ltd. Chart Street. London. Founded 1919 - present. Trademarks = Codeg, Codegetto, Edco. Founded by S.D. Cowan and A. de Groot. The company imported toys from Germany and Japan but also had a number manufactured for them by British companies. Well known for the very sought after clockwork 'Mechanical Dalek' (part tinplate, part plastic) from the Dr Who TV series in the Mid 1960's (copied by Product Enterprises c. 2005). Cowan de Groot Trademarks - Codeg Dalek copy

Dibro Ltd. (Dickinson Bros). 8/10 Lilly Road, Litherland, Liverpool. Founded 1933 - present. Initially set up by three brothers, Ewart, Harry and David Dickinson.Trademark / Logo = The company name "Dibro Ltd," and "Regd" within an oval or diamond. - Detailed Post.   

J.H. Glasman Ltd. (Betal Toys). 'Betal Works', Plaistow Road, London, England. Founded 1938 - 1973?. 

Graham Bros (Fairylite) Ltd. Red Cross Street, London, GB. Founded 1887-1970. Tradename = the word 'Fairylite' is used on toys and games distributed by Graham Bros. Graham Bros delt mainly in the import and wholesale of toy's from the far east. Fairylite TrademarkPecking Bird

Glamtoys Ltd. Hannah Street, Porth, South Wales. Founded in 1935. Dissolved 1953. Produced small tinplate vehicles, a garage and various novelty toys for Woolworths. The vehicles are usually marked G.T.P. and numbered. Trademark / Logo = none known. - Detailed Post. Miniature Goods Train Set - Miniature Passenger Train Set - Frog Clicker - Coronation Souvenir

Golden Gate Productions. Makers (or importers) of the 'Up She Goes' track toy. I've not been able to find any information on this company so far. There is, for instance, no entry in 'British Tin Toys' by M. Fawdry. I will update when I have new information. 'Up She Goes' Toy

Green Monk Products. School Street, Darfield, nr. Barnsley, Yorkshire. Founded 1945, taken over by Dunbee-Combex 1969. Founded by Arthur Greenwood at the end of WWII and initially run from a garden shed. Produced drums, pull-along toys, roller chimes etc. Boy & Dog Roller Chime - Magic Roundabout Kaleidoscope - Orbitoy 

Kay (Sports & Games) Ltd. Carlisle Road, The Hyde, London NW9. Trackless Train Set -

Lines Bros. Ltd. Tri-ang. London, England. Founded 1919 - 1971.

Louis Marx & Co. Swansea, Wales. Marx Trade Mark / Logo = The letters "MAR" superimposed on a larger "X". the whole within a ring marked "Made In Great Britain". Marx Trade Mark - Futurematic Airport - Magic Crossroads - Roll-Over Cat - Spin It Bingo - Wee Scottie

Mechanex Ltd., 30 Bridge Row, London, England. Founded - unknown. Produced small aluminium boats powered by a drop of methylated spirit (Marangoni effect). Trade Mark = no trade mark - Jet Propelled Boat -

Mettoy Co. Ltd. Great Britain. 1934 - 1984. Mettoy Trade Mark - Mettype - Supertype 

Paton, Calvert & Co. Ltd. Binns Road, Old Swan, Liverpool, GB. Founded 1887. Ceased trading in 1940. Trademark / Logo = The word 'Happynak' is a Trademark of Paton, Calvert & Co.

Peter Pan. Pop-Pop Planes

Prestyn Toys Ltd. Lanfranc Road, Bow, London. Produced tin plate toys including a large racing car, the 'Sulman Special', as well as various novelty toys. Trademark / Logo = none known.

W.R. Pedley & Co. Ltd. / Regent Manufacturing Co. / Remanco (Toys) Ltd. Dimminsdale, Willenhall, Staffordshire, England. Founded 1893-1965. Trademark / Logo = The word "Remanco" partially superimposed and partially within a triangle. Remanco Trademark

Romford Gauge & Tool Company Ltd. Broadway Parade Rear, Elm Park, Romford, Essex, England. Founding date unknown (there are records as early as 1948 and as late as 1968). Trademark / Logo = none known. Makers of the "Elm Park Flash" pop pop boat. Elm Park Flash Mk III

Sutcliffe Pressings Ltd. Horsworth, Leeds, Yorkshire, England. Founded circa 1885 by J.W. Sutcliffe. Ceased trading in 1984. Produced mainly toy boats. Trademark / Logo = The words "A Sutcliffe Model" on a retangular motif with partial comb like edges. Sutcliffe Trade Mark - Jupiter Pilot Boat - Nautilus

Thomas Mayers. 1 Highview Avenue, North-Brighton, England. "Super-Jet" Speed Boat.

A. Wells & Co. Ltd. Wells Trademark - Brown Bear No 153 - Penguin No 151 - Wonderjet 192 - Trolley Bus -

Whiteley, Tansley & Co. Ltd / Whitanco. Beech Street & Lotus Works Broardgreen Road, Old Swan, Liverpool. Founded in 1914 by Ernest and James Whiteley. Ceased making toys by 1925.


Codeg (Codegetto, Edco) = Used as a trademark by Cowan de Groot Ltd.
Fairylite = Used as a trademark by Graham Bros. Fairylite Trademark
Happynak = Used as a trademark by Paton, Calvert & Co.
MAR Toys (superimposed on a larger X, within a double ring) = Louis Marx & Co.
Remanco = A trademark of W.R. Pedley & Co. Ltd.
St. George = Burnett Ltd.

Note. Tradenames & Trademarks

Britain, British, U.K., Tin, Tinplate, Metal, Toy, Toymaker, Maker, Manufacturer, Producer, Trademark, Trade Mark, Logo, Symbol, Motif.

If you have found the information on this page useful please feel free to leave a comment. It's a great help with further development of the blog.


  1. Hello , I am new to this website and wonder if you can help me determine a toy manufacturer by a picture of the trademark? Is it possible to send a pic thru this medium? Thanks,Vic

    1. Hi Vic, Just upload a picture to a free hosting site like photobucket etc. Leave the address/URL here. That way everyone can take a look. If I don't know what it is someone else may do.


  2. I have a tinplate money box, but it is not a Chad Valley one. It says 'Favourite Fairy Stories' on the spine, but I can find no trademark or marking on it anywhere. It is a Dick Whittington box, but has a different picture to the Chad Valley one too. I wondered if it was prior to Chad Valley as my dad had it from a child and he is 75 now (as a marker for date) Thanks

    1. A number of the Chad Valley toys (including some money boxes) were originally produced for Burnett (see above) prior to WWII. I take it from the mention of a "spine" you mean the book style money boxes where you unlock the front cover to recover your money?

  3. Kevin if you want the trade mark for Whitanco I can Email it to you
    Carl Whiteley

  4. Hello Carl, Apologies for not replying sooner. Thanks, I really do appreciate the offer, it's rare that anyone is willing to help expand the scope of the blog. In this case though I do have the trade mark already. Unfortunately I just haven't had the time to add it to the gallery.

  5. Hi. I have an electric toy aeroplane made by Childs and Smith. It was given to me on my 1st birthday by my grandfather in 1953. A very appropriate toy for a 1 year old! I wonder who really wanted it? I can supply photos if they would be useful. There is little info on Childs and Smith and I have never seen anything on my plane apart from your intro. The flying saucer version has been sold at auction and I have seen photos.

    1. I've added a link to the Child's and Smith entry above that will take you to a two page advert for the toy that you may find interesting. It's actually for the helicopter version which is very similar. I'll try to add a more detailed post for the company in the near future

  6. Kevin - where did you locate the information on Glamtoy Limited (aka Glam Toy Products and GTP). I've been trying to find information on the company and its production period without much luck.


    1. It is difficult to find anything. I think there's a brief entry in 'British Tin Toys' by M. Fawdry if I remember correctly. Plus, when I last searched some example GTP toys came up in a museum in South Wales. I think there's a little more info there. I was about to go through what I know for GTP and add a more detailed post with a list of toys. I'll try to add it in the next day or two.

    2. http://toysnz.com/GlamToyProducts has my list of models known to me

    3. Here's the entire entry in 'British Tin Toys' - "Glamtoys Ltd 1935-1953. Port, South Wales. Manufactured cheap small racing cars, trains, clicking frogs and animals for Woolworths". There's also an illustration of the frog clickers and what's described as a coronation panorama. That's it I'm afraid. The frogs aren't marked as far as I can see so I would guess there's a fair few Glamtoys products floating around unrecognized. Port in the address appears to be an error (should read Port Talbot). I'll see what else I can come up with, I think I can add a fair few toys to your list.

    4. Thanks for your help Kevin... I was unaware they had also produced Frog and other animals as well. I guess I'll have to see what I can find i nthe way of Clickers to add to my collection ... won't that drive the missus mad!
