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- For help with the identification of marks on a toy refer to the 'Trademark / Logo First' section below.
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- Red shading indicates unknown company/trademark, i.e. the trade mark can not be linked to a specific company.
- Copyright - The vast majority of the material on this blog is my own work. Generally speaking, I don't have any objection to individual elements being used on other sites etc. I do request that you ask first, however, as well as link back to this site.
AK-Circle. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "A" and "K" within a circle. AK-Circle Trademark - Example Toys - Pop Pop Boat B-1962
Alps Shoji Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "ALPS" superimposed on a mountain peak logo. Founded 1948. Alps Trademark - Example Toys - Kitty Cat - Musical Merry-Go-Round - Pekingese Dog - Santa-Fe Express - School Bus - Thirsty Bear
AN. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "A" and "N". The A positioned within the arch formed by the first part of the N. AN Trademark
Anzai Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A circle with two lines arranged horizontally. Anzai Trademark
Aoki Industries Ltd. / Aoki Shokai. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The words "Fancy Aoki Toy" within a circle. Aoki Trademark
Aoshin / Aoshin Shoten Co., Ltd. Tokyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "ASC" in a diamond. Aoshin Trademark - Example Toys - Monkee-Mobile - 007 Aston Martin - Batmobile Car
Asahi Trading Company / Asahi Corporation. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "ASAHI" within an oval, within the outline of the letter "A". Asahi Catalogue 1976 - Asahi Trademark
Asahi Trading Company / Asahi Corporation. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "ASAHI" within an oval, within the outline of the letter "A". Asahi Catalogue 1976 - Asahi Trademark
Asahi Toy Company / Asahi Gangu Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Founded in 1948. Trademark / Logo = 1. The company name "Asahi Toy" enclosed within a semi oval formed from parts of the letters A, T and Y (1948-55). 2. The letters "ATC" on the sack of a Santa Claus motif (1955 on). Asahi Toy Trademarks
Asakusa Toy Ltd. / A-ONE Ltd. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = A stylised childs face with collar and crown. The alphanumeric "A1" in place of eyes. Asakusa Trademark
Asakusa Toys & Dolls Co., Ltd / Asakusa Gangu Ningyo. Tokyo, Japan.Trademark / Logo = The letters "ATD" within a circle. Asakusa Toys & Dolls Trademark
AT. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "A" and "T" within a circle. The A positioned above the T so that the cross-stroke of the A also forms the cross-stroke of the T. The mark is found on a series of toy 'pop-pop' (candle powered) boats, at least one of which is based on the Japanese battleship Yamato. AT Trademark - Example Toys - Sea Queen Pop Pop Boat - Pop Pop Boat
Asakusa Toys & Dolls Co., Ltd / Asakusa Gangu Ningyo. Tokyo, Japan.Trademark / Logo = The letters "ATD" within a circle. Asakusa Toys & Dolls Trademark
AT. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "A" and "T" within a circle. The A positioned above the T so that the cross-stroke of the A also forms the cross-stroke of the T. The mark is found on a series of toy 'pop-pop' (candle powered) boats, at least one of which is based on the Japanese battleship Yamato. AT Trademark - Example Toys - Sea Queen Pop Pop Boat - Pop Pop Boat
Bandai / Bandai-Ya Inc. / Bandai Inc. / Bandai Co. Ltd. Kikuyabashi, Taito-ku, Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Founded 1950 - to present. Trademark / Logo = The letter "B" within a "C" (easily mistaken for a box) or "B Sign of Quality Toys" or a baby symbol holding the B within C symbol. Bandai Trademark - Detailed Post - Example Toys - Cadillac Gear Shift Car - Ford Maverick - High Way Patrol Car - King Size Volkswagon Sedan - Mercedes Benz 300SL Coupe - Volkswagen Sedan - Bandai Website
Bullmark. Japan. Founded 1969 to 1977. Trademark / Logo = Running bull in profile. Bullmark Trademark
Bullmark. Japan. Founded 1969 to 1977. Trademark / Logo = Running bull in profile. Bullmark Trademark
Daishin / Daishin Kogyo. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters “DSK” within a diamond. Also the company name "DAISHIN" superimposed over four diamonds arranged so as to form a larger diamond. Daishin Trademark
Daito / Daito Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "DAITO" within an oval. Daito Trademark
Daito / Daito Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "DAITO" within an oval. Daito Trademark
Daiwa / Daiwa Toys Co., Ltd. Japan. Daiwa Trademark
DAIYA / Terai Toys Co., Ltd. / Terai Shoten. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "DAIYA" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Daiya Trademark - Example Toys - Baby Space Gun - Bubble Gun - Fairyland Loco - Golden Arrow Express - Turning Loco - Western Loco
DIA, Japan. [No information] The lettering "DIA", which appears on some toy cap guns and water pistols may be a trademark of DAIYA /Terai. DIA = first part of the English word diamond, Daiya meaning diamond in Japanese. See also illustrations of diamonds on packaging. DIA Trademark - Example Toys - Water Pistol
Dott G.R. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters " Dott G.R." within a 'wreath' composed of two fish arranged head to tail. No further information at present. Dott G.R. Trademark - Example Toys - Busy Choo Choo - Naples Train
Enomoto Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Star within crescent. Enomoto Trademark
Epoch Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "F" within a circle. Also a stylised version of the word "Epoch". Epoch Trademarks
ET. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "ET" within a circle with a v-shaped notch in the top section. ET Trademark
Ever New Toy & Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = - Ever New Trademark
Exelo. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word "EXELO" within an oval.
Fifties / Fifties Inc. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Fifties" or the simply "50's". Fifties Inc Trademark
Fuji / Fuji Press Kogyosho Co., Ltd. Katsushika Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MM" in front of a three peaked mountain like symbol (rounded peaks). Produced many cloth covered tin toys. Fuji Press Trademark - Example Toys - Frisky Bunny Band - Happy Bird - Ducks Family - Hunting Duck - Detailed Post
Fukuda / Fukuda Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Founded 1947 - to present. Fukuda Seisakusho Inc. established in 1955. Name changed to Fukuda Press Kogyo Inc. in 1964. Trademark / Logo = The letters "RF" either alone or within a diamond. Fukuda Trademarks
DAIYA / Terai Toys Co., Ltd. / Terai Shoten. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "DAIYA" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Daiya Trademark - Example Toys - Baby Space Gun - Bubble Gun - Fairyland Loco - Golden Arrow Express - Turning Loco - Western Loco
DIA, Japan. [No information] The lettering "DIA", which appears on some toy cap guns and water pistols may be a trademark of DAIYA /Terai. DIA = first part of the English word diamond, Daiya meaning diamond in Japanese. See also illustrations of diamonds on packaging. DIA Trademark - Example Toys - Water Pistol
Dott G.R. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters " Dott G.R." within a 'wreath' composed of two fish arranged head to tail. No further information at present. Dott G.R. Trademark - Example Toys - Busy Choo Choo - Naples Train
Enomoto Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Star within crescent. Enomoto Trademark
Epoch Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "F" within a circle. Also a stylised version of the word "Epoch". Epoch Trademarks
ET. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "ET" within a circle with a v-shaped notch in the top section. ET Trademark
Ever New Toy & Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = - Ever New Trademark
Exelo. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word "EXELO" within an oval.
Fifties / Fifties Inc. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Fifties" or the simply "50's". Fifties Inc Trademark
Fuji / Fuji Press Kogyosho Co., Ltd. Katsushika Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MM" in front of a three peaked mountain like symbol (rounded peaks). Produced many cloth covered tin toys. Fuji Press Trademark - Example Toys - Frisky Bunny Band - Happy Bird - Ducks Family - Hunting Duck - Detailed Post
Fukuda / Fukuda Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Founded 1947 - to present. Fukuda Seisakusho Inc. established in 1955. Name changed to Fukuda Press Kogyo Inc. in 1964. Trademark / Logo = The letters "RF" either alone or within a diamond. Fukuda Trademarks
Gakken / Gakushu Kenkyusha / Gakken Toy Hobby Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = the word "GAKKEN" within a large letter "G" or within a rectangular box. Gakken Trademarks
Haji Toys / Mansei Gangu / Mansei Toy Co. Ltd. Japan. Founded in 1951. Trademark / Logo = “HAJI” in an oval. Haji Trademark- Example Toys - Chimp Hand Cart
Haji Toys / Mansei Gangu / Mansei Toy Co. Ltd. Japan. Founded in 1951. Trademark / Logo = “HAJI” in an oval. Haji Trademark- Example Toys - Chimp Hand Cart
Harina / Harina Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = the letters “SH” within a diamond, the S superimposed on a distorted flattened H. Harina Trademark
Harusame / Harusame Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Anchor symbol, very similar to Hadson, but superimposed on a double lotus flower symbol. Harusame Trademark
Hasebe / Hasebe Yushutsu Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = the letters “MH” within a diamond. Hasebe Trademark
Hasegawa / Hasegawa Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A large letter "H" with an inverted v shape above. Hasegawa Trademark
Hashimoto / Hashimoto Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A letter "H" within a circle. The circle has a small gap and is bisected by a single vertical line. Hashimoto Trademark
Hayashi Manufacturing / Hayashi Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "H" with four arrows (with flights) arranged around it in a diamond configuration. Hayashi Trademark - Example Toys - Double Decker Bus
Higashi Toy / Higashi Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.K" within a circle. Higashi Trademark
Hikari Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "HTP" distorted to form a circular motif. Hikari Trademark
Hirata Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A dog silhouette, marked H, within a circle. Hirata Trademark
Hiro. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word “Hiro” in a diamond. HIRO Trademark
Hishimo / Hisimo Sangyou. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Three evenly spaced horizontal bands and one vertical line within a diamond. The vertical line arranged off-centre to the left. Hisimo Trademark
Hitachi Gangu Seisakusho / Hitachi Toy Manufacturing. Japan. The letter "H" within a six pointed star, within a circle. Hitachi Trademark
Harusame / Harusame Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Anchor symbol, very similar to Hadson, but superimposed on a double lotus flower symbol. Harusame Trademark
Hasebe / Hasebe Yushutsu Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = the letters “MH” within a diamond. Hasebe Trademark
Hasegawa / Hasegawa Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A large letter "H" with an inverted v shape above. Hasegawa Trademark
Hashimoto / Hashimoto Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A letter "H" within a circle. The circle has a small gap and is bisected by a single vertical line. Hashimoto Trademark
Hayashi Manufacturing / Hayashi Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "H" with four arrows (with flights) arranged around it in a diamond configuration. Hayashi Trademark - Example Toys - Double Decker Bus
Higashi Toy / Higashi Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.K" within a circle. Higashi Trademark
Hikari Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "HTP" distorted to form a circular motif. Hikari Trademark
Hirata Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A dog silhouette, marked H, within a circle. Hirata Trademark
Hiro. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word “Hiro” in a diamond. HIRO Trademark
Hishimo / Hisimo Sangyou. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Three evenly spaced horizontal bands and one vertical line within a diamond. The vertical line arranged off-centre to the left. Hisimo Trademark
Hitachi Gangu Seisakusho / Hitachi Toy Manufacturing. Japan. The letter "H" within a six pointed star, within a circle. Hitachi Trademark
Hoku. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word “Hoku” in a diamond. HOKU Trademark
Hope. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word “Hope” in a diamond. HOPE Trademark - Example Toys - Space Patrol Tank
Hope. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word “Hope” in a diamond. HOPE Trademark - Example Toys - Space Patrol Tank
Horikawa Toy Ind. / Horikawa Gangu Kogyo. Tokyo, Japan. Founded 1959. Trademark / Logo = The letters “SH” within a diamond. Horikawa Trademark
HTC. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "HTC". The H and the C arranged so as to be under the cross stroke of the T. The whole group distorted so as to be wider at the base. HTC Trademark
H Toy. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word "toy" superimposed on a larger letter "H". The whole within a circle. H Toy Trademark
Ichida Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = a bunch of grapes on vine within a circle. Ichida Trademark
Ichiko Manufacturing Co., Ltd / Ichiko Kogyo. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Flag, standard or possibly sail shape with the letters "PU" or sometimes "4U" beneath a bracket symbol. Usually Ichiko will be written across the top of the the mark. Ichiko Trademark
HTC. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "HTC". The H and the C arranged so as to be under the cross stroke of the T. The whole group distorted so as to be wider at the base. HTC Trademark
H Toy. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The word "toy" superimposed on a larger letter "H". The whole within a circle. H Toy Trademark
Ichida Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = a bunch of grapes on vine within a circle. Ichida Trademark
Ichiko Manufacturing Co., Ltd / Ichiko Kogyo. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Flag, standard or possibly sail shape with the letters "PU" or sometimes "4U" beneath a bracket symbol. Usually Ichiko will be written across the top of the the mark. Ichiko Trademark
Ichimura / Ichimura Shoten / Ichimura & Co., Ltd. No. 6 Kotobuki-Cho, 3-Chome, Asakusa, Taito-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Indian head with headdress. Ichimura Shoten Trademark - Example Toys - Atomic Space Gun - Police Dept Helicopter
Ichimura / Ichimura Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A circle bisected by a vertical line with two partial circles arranged concentrically. Ichimura Seisakusho Trademark - Example Toys - Turn Over Cat
Inakita / Inakita Shokai / Inakita Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = printed with the company name. Sometimes the lower part of the initial "I" is extended to form an underline. Inakita Trademark - Example Toys - Paddling Duck - Paddling Swan
IRCO. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "IRCO" on 3d effect black block effect background. IRCO Trademark
Ichimura / Ichimura Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A circle bisected by a vertical line with two partial circles arranged concentrically. Ichimura Seisakusho Trademark - Example Toys - Turn Over Cat
Inakita / Inakita Shokai / Inakita Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = printed with the company name. Sometimes the lower part of the initial "I" is extended to form an underline. Inakita Trademark - Example Toys - Paddling Duck - Paddling Swan
IRCO. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "IRCO" on 3d effect black block effect background. IRCO Trademark
Ishizaki / Ishizaki Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "ITS" within a shield shape. Ishizaki Trademark
Ishizuka / Ishizuka Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Ishi", italicized, within a circle. Ishizuka Trademark
ITO Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = not known.
Iwaya Corporation / Iwaya Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Multiple. Iwaya Trademarks
I.Y. Metal Toys / Yamazaki Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "I" set within the top section of a larger letter "Y" with 'wing' design to either side. IY Metal Toys Trademark
Junior Toy Co. Ltd. / Suda Kinzuku / J Toy. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = A stylised letter "J" with the word "Toy" superimposed on the lower section. Junior Co. Trademark
K. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
KA. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Kamiya / Kamiya Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK" within a diamond. Kamiya Trademark
Kaname Sangyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KS" within an equilateral triangle with concave sides, formed from three roughly diamond shaped elements. Kaname Sangyo Trademark
Ishizuka / Ishizuka Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Ishi", italicized, within a circle. Ishizuka Trademark
ITO Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = not known.
Iwaya Corporation / Iwaya Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Multiple. Iwaya Trademarks
I.Y. Metal Toys / Yamazaki Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "I" set within the top section of a larger letter "Y" with 'wing' design to either side. IY Metal Toys Trademark
Junior Toy Co. Ltd. / Suda Kinzuku / J Toy. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = A stylised letter "J" with the word "Toy" superimposed on the lower section. Junior Co. Trademark
K. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
KA. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Kamiya / Kamiya Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK" within a diamond. Kamiya Trademark
Kaname Sangyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KS" within an equilateral triangle with concave sides, formed from three roughly diamond shaped elements. Kaname Sangyo Trademark
Kanto / Kanto Toys Co., Ltd. / Kanto Gosei Kogyo. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Circle within circle to form a ring, the words Kanto Toys arranged around the ring. Also three concentric circles “Made in Japan” around the edge of the outer circle, “Kanto Toys” around the inner. Kanto Toys Trademark - Example Toys - Twinkling Bug
Kashiwai (Lucky Toy). Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "K" within a diamond, within a circle. Kashiwai Trademark
Kato Sairen - see Nihon Boeki.
Kawahachi Shoten / Kawahachi Toy Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KHT" within a diamond. Kawahachi Trademark
Kawahara Gangu Seisakusho / Kawahara Toy Manufacturing. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter K within two partial diamonds, arranged concentrically. Sides formed from shapes which are straight on one side and convex on the other. Vertices removed. Kawahara Trademark
Kawano / Kawano Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "K.S" within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from four overlapping sword shapes. Kawano Trademark
KCI. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Keiichi / Keiichi Kogyosho C., Ltd. Japan. Keiichi Trademark
KO. Osaka, Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Koa / Koa Kinzoku / Koa Metal. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "S" within a circle. Koa Kinzoku Trademark
Kobayashi / Kobayashi Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK" within an oval, the bottom and top of the letters being joined to each other and the outside oval by horizontal lines. Kobayashi Trademark
Kogure. Japan. Trademark / Logo = . Kogure Trademark
Kokyu / Kokyu Shokai / Kokyu Trading Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within a five petal flower design. Kokyu Trademark Toys - Mechanical Jockey Rider
Kohno Kakuzo / Kono Kakuzo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK" arranged on a two bladed 'aeronautical' propeller emblem so that one "K" is on each of the blades (propeller arranged horizontally). This company produced a number of clockwork airship toys, including the R-100, R-101 and the Macon, during the 1930's. Kohno Kakuzo Trade Mark
Koiso / Koiso Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KIS" within a diamond. Koiso Trademark
Komatsudo Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KT" within a diamond formed from crossed sword motifs. The K is distorted. Komatsudo Trademark - Example Toys - Pop Pop Boat
Komoda / Komoda Shoten Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters “KKS” within a diamond. Komoda Trademark
Koshibe / Koshibe Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "C" and "K" superimposed one on the other. Koshibe Trademark
Kosuge / Kosurge Gangu Kenkyusho / Kosurge Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = . Kosuge Trademarks
Kowa / Kowa Kogyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "K.K" within a hexagon / six pointed star. Kowa Trademark
Koyo / Koyo Kinzoku. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Koyo Trademark - Example Toys - Jet Fighter Plane - Cessna N453C
KS (or possibly KSP). Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KS" superimposed on what looks like a letter "P" whhich has been rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise. Producer of tinplate toy guns. KS/KSP Trademark - Example Toys - Animal Target Game - KS/KSP Catalogue
KS. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
KT. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Kuramochi / Kuramochi & Co., Ltd / Kuramochi Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "CK" within a diamond. Kuramochi Trademark
Kusama / Kusama Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within a circle which is bisected by a verical line. Kusama Trademark
Kuwamura / Kuwamura Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A diamond bisected by a central vertical bar. Each half of the diamond contains a smaller diamond. Kuwamura Trademark
Kyodo / Kyodo Press K K. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KDP" within a partial oval which is bisected by a diagonal line. Kyodo Trademark
Kyoei / Kyoei Toy Co., Ltd. / Kyoei Gangu Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Kyowei" on a motto scroll superimposed on a world projection. Kyowei Trademark
Kyowa / Kyowa Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A globe projection (no land areas marked) with orbit or ring and Japanese character superimposed. Kyowa Trademark
'M Stars Mark'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" with a semicircular ring of stars above. The stars becoming smaller towards the right. M (With Stars) Trademark
Manmaru / Manmaru Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" superimposed on a smaller letter "S" within a circle. Manmaru Trademark
Marubishi / Marubishi Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word Marubishi on a motto scroll which is superimposed on three concentric circles. Marubishi Trademark
Marugo / Marugo Shoten. Japan. Marugo Trademark
Marumiya. Saitama, Japan. Founded 1943 by Katsumasa Miyazawa. Trademark / Logo = The word MIYA within a circle (i.e. first part of family name). Sub contractor for Horikawa, Yonezawa, Nomura. Name changed in 1989 to Metal House LTD. This company still produces tinplate toy robots in the traditional way. Metal House Website
Marunaka / Marunaka Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SN" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Marunaka Trademark
Marusan / Marusan Shoten Ltd. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SAN" in a circular logo ("maru" meaning circle, "san" meaning three - referring to the three founders of the company Haruyasu Ishida, Minoru Ishida and Yasuo Arai). Founded 1947 to 1968. Restarted as Marusan Co. Ltd 1969 to present. Marusan Trademark - Marusan Website
Kashiwai (Lucky Toy). Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "K" within a diamond, within a circle. Kashiwai Trademark
Kato Sairen - see Nihon Boeki.
Kawahachi Shoten / Kawahachi Toy Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KHT" within a diamond. Kawahachi Trademark
Kawahara Gangu Seisakusho / Kawahara Toy Manufacturing. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter K within two partial diamonds, arranged concentrically. Sides formed from shapes which are straight on one side and convex on the other. Vertices removed. Kawahara Trademark
Kawano / Kawano Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "K.S" within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from four overlapping sword shapes. Kawano Trademark
KCI. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Keiichi / Keiichi Kogyosho C., Ltd. Japan. Keiichi Trademark
KO. Osaka, Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Koa / Koa Kinzoku / Koa Metal. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "S" within a circle. Koa Kinzoku Trademark
Kobayashi / Kobayashi Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK" within an oval, the bottom and top of the letters being joined to each other and the outside oval by horizontal lines. Kobayashi Trademark
Kogure. Japan. Trademark / Logo = . Kogure Trademark
Kokyu / Kokyu Shokai / Kokyu Trading Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within a five petal flower design. Kokyu Trademark Toys - Mechanical Jockey Rider
Kohno Kakuzo / Kono Kakuzo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK" arranged on a two bladed 'aeronautical' propeller emblem so that one "K" is on each of the blades (propeller arranged horizontally). This company produced a number of clockwork airship toys, including the R-100, R-101 and the Macon, during the 1930's. Kohno Kakuzo Trade Mark
Koiso / Koiso Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KIS" within a diamond. Koiso Trademark
Komatsudo Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KT" within a diamond formed from crossed sword motifs. The K is distorted. Komatsudo Trademark - Example Toys - Pop Pop Boat
Komoda / Komoda Shoten Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters “KKS” within a diamond. Komoda Trademark
Koshibe / Koshibe Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "C" and "K" superimposed one on the other. Koshibe Trademark
Kosuge / Kosurge Gangu Kenkyusho / Kosurge Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = . Kosuge Trademarks
Kowa / Kowa Kogyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "K.K" within a hexagon / six pointed star. Kowa Trademark
Koyo / Koyo Kinzoku. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Koyo Trademark - Example Toys - Jet Fighter Plane - Cessna N453C
KS (or possibly KSP). Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KS" superimposed on what looks like a letter "P" whhich has been rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise. Producer of tinplate toy guns. KS/KSP Trademark - Example Toys - Animal Target Game - KS/KSP Catalogue
KS. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
KT. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Kuramochi / Kuramochi & Co., Ltd / Kuramochi Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "CK" within a diamond. Kuramochi Trademark
Kusama / Kusama Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within a circle which is bisected by a verical line. Kusama Trademark
Kuwamura / Kuwamura Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A diamond bisected by a central vertical bar. Each half of the diamond contains a smaller diamond. Kuwamura Trademark
Kyodo / Kyodo Press K K. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KDP" within a partial oval which is bisected by a diagonal line. Kyodo Trademark
Kyoei / Kyoei Toy Co., Ltd. / Kyoei Gangu Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Kyowei" on a motto scroll superimposed on a world projection. Kyowei Trademark
Kyowa / Kyowa Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A globe projection (no land areas marked) with orbit or ring and Japanese character superimposed. Kyowa Trademark
'M Stars Mark'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" with a semicircular ring of stars above. The stars becoming smaller towards the right. M (With Stars) Trademark
Manmaru / Manmaru Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" superimposed on a smaller letter "S" within a circle. Manmaru Trademark
Marubishi / Marubishi Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word Marubishi on a motto scroll which is superimposed on three concentric circles. Marubishi Trademark
Marugo / Marugo Shoten. Japan. Marugo Trademark
Marumiya. Saitama, Japan. Founded 1943 by Katsumasa Miyazawa. Trademark / Logo = The word MIYA within a circle (i.e. first part of family name). Sub contractor for Horikawa, Yonezawa, Nomura. Name changed in 1989 to Metal House LTD. This company still produces tinplate toy robots in the traditional way. Metal House Website
Marunaka / Marunaka Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SN" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Marunaka Trademark
Marusan / Marusan Shoten Ltd. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SAN" in a circular logo ("maru" meaning circle, "san" meaning three - referring to the three founders of the company Haruyasu Ishida, Minoru Ishida and Yasuo Arai). Founded 1947 to 1968. Restarted as Marusan Co. Ltd 1969 to present. Marusan Trademark - Marusan Website
Maruya Toys / Maruya Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Y" and "A" within a circle. Maruya Trademark
Maruyoshi Toy Manufacturing / Maruyoshi Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MK" within a wreath. Maruyoshi Trademark - Example Toys - Refrigerator with Freezer
Masakiya Co. Tokyo, Japan. - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Masuda / Masuda Press Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan. - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Masudaya / Masudaya Toys Co., Ltd. / Modern Toys / Masutoko K.K. Toy Factory. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MT" (M superimposed on a T in a diamond or circle). Founded 1724 - to present. Masudaya Trademark Example Toys - Lunar Transport - Missile Tank - Pick Chick - Rocket Racer
Maruyoshi Toy Manufacturing / Maruyoshi Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MK" within a wreath. Maruyoshi Trademark - Example Toys - Refrigerator with Freezer
Masakiya Co. Tokyo, Japan. - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Masuda / Masuda Press Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan. - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Masudaya / Masudaya Toys Co., Ltd. / Modern Toys / Masutoko K.K. Toy Factory. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MT" (M superimposed on a T in a diamond or circle). Founded 1724 - to present. Masudaya Trademark Example Toys - Lunar Transport - Missile Tank - Pick Chick - Rocket Racer
Masuya / Masuya Toys Co., Ltd / Masuya Gangu. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MS”, the "S" within a larger "M", with cherub figure above. Masuya Trademark - Example Toys - Army Tank With Pop-Up Soldier
Meiho / Meiho Shoji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Meiho" within a motto scroll which is superimposed on a world projection. Meiho Trademark
Meiko / Meiko Shoji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Meiko" superimposed on a circle. Meiko Trademark
Meiwa / Meiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MKK" in a diamond. Meiwa Trademark
Meiho / Meiho Shoji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Meiho" within a motto scroll which is superimposed on a world projection. Meiho Trademark
Meiko / Meiko Shoji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Meiko" superimposed on a circle. Meiko Trademark
Meiwa / Meiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MKK" in a diamond. Meiwa Trademark
Mikuni / Mikuni Industry / Mikuni Sangyou. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter “M” with the left upright extended upwards in the likeness of a hobby horse. Mikuni Trademark Toys - Indian On Horseback
Mitake / Mitake Toy / Mitake Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" over three radiating lines and within a partial circle. Mitake Trademark
Mitomo / Mitomo Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A world projection flanked by half oval designs on either side giving an eye like motif. Mitomo Trademark
Mitsuhasi / Mitsuhashi & Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a triangle. Mitsuhashi Trademark - Example Toys - Speed Boat / Jet Racer 8
Mitsushima / Mitsushima Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MM" in a diamond. Mitsushima Trademark
Mitsuwa / Mitsuwa Toy / Mitsuwa Gangu Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a circle. The two sections at either side of the M shaded. Mitsuwa Toy Trademark
Mitsuwa / Mitsuwa Press Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Three overlapping circles arranged in a line horizontally. Mitsuwa Press Trademark
Mitu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MITU" in a circle. Mitu Trademark
Miura Toy Co. / Miura Shoji Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within three concentric circles. There are three equally spaced gaps in the circles. Miura Trademark
Miyazawa / Miyazawa Mokei Co., Ltd. / Miyazawa Model Co. Tokyo, Japan. 1948-present day. Founded in 1948 as Miyazawa Sangyo. The name was changed to Miyazawa Mokei Co. in 1951. Early items include tin plate. The company produced mainly model railway items in the 1960's-1980's. It now produces anime character figurines. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MSK" in a diamond. Miyazawa Trademark
Mizuno / Nihon Alps Mizuno Seisakusho. Ueda City, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a circle. Three smaller dots, i.e. shaded circles intersect the main circle. Mizuno Trademark
Momoya / Momoya Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A stylised peach logo with leaf either side. Momoya Trademark
Morishita. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Y.M" within an irregular hexagon. Morishita Trademark
MRK. Tokyo, Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MRK" in a diamond. MRK Trademark
Mutsu / Mutsu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "M", "T" and "S" superimposed. Mutsu Trademark
Mitake / Mitake Toy / Mitake Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" over three radiating lines and within a partial circle. Mitake Trademark
Mitomo / Mitomo Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A world projection flanked by half oval designs on either side giving an eye like motif. Mitomo Trademark
Mitsuhasi / Mitsuhashi & Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a triangle. Mitsuhashi Trademark - Example Toys - Speed Boat / Jet Racer 8
Mitsushima / Mitsushima Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MM" in a diamond. Mitsushima Trademark
Mitsuwa / Mitsuwa Toy / Mitsuwa Gangu Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a circle. The two sections at either side of the M shaded. Mitsuwa Toy Trademark
Mitsuwa / Mitsuwa Press Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Three overlapping circles arranged in a line horizontally. Mitsuwa Press Trademark
Mitu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MITU" in a circle. Mitu Trademark
Miura Toy Co. / Miura Shoji Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within three concentric circles. There are three equally spaced gaps in the circles. Miura Trademark
Miyazawa / Miyazawa Mokei Co., Ltd. / Miyazawa Model Co. Tokyo, Japan. 1948-present day. Founded in 1948 as Miyazawa Sangyo. The name was changed to Miyazawa Mokei Co. in 1951. Early items include tin plate. The company produced mainly model railway items in the 1960's-1980's. It now produces anime character figurines. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MSK" in a diamond. Miyazawa Trademark
Mizuno / Nihon Alps Mizuno Seisakusho. Ueda City, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a circle. Three smaller dots, i.e. shaded circles intersect the main circle. Mizuno Trademark
Momoya / Momoya Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A stylised peach logo with leaf either side. Momoya Trademark
Morishita. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Y.M" within an irregular hexagon. Morishita Trademark
MRK. Tokyo, Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "MRK" in a diamond. MRK Trademark
Mutsu / Mutsu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "M", "T" and "S" superimposed. Mutsu Trademark
Nakamura Toy. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters “NT” (N superimposed on T in a circle). Nakamura Trademark
Nakajima / Nakajima Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "N" within a hexagonal tortoise symbol. Nakajima Trademark
Nakayama / Nakayama Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "N" superimposed on an oval shape (long axis arranged horizontally). Nakayama Trademark Toys - Tortoise - Puzzle Cat
Nakajima / Nakajima Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "N" within a hexagonal tortoise symbol. Nakajima Trademark
Nakayama / Nakayama Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "N" superimposed on an oval shape (long axis arranged horizontally). Nakayama Trademark Toys - Tortoise - Puzzle Cat
Naito Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "AN" within a diamond. Naito Shoten Trademark
Nemoto / Nemoto Shoten Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Nemoto" supimposed on a circle. The text may be warped so that either the ends of the word or the centre are enlarged. Nemoto Trademark
Nihon Boeki / Japan Trading. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KKK" within a diamond. Nihon Boeki Trademark
Nikko Gangu Kogyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Complex logo with "N" and possibly "K" enclosed within a large letter "G". The central section of the logo forms a tortoise motif. Nikko Gangu Trademark
Nippon Kougei. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "N" within a double circle, the inner circle being thicker than the outer. There is also a central dot . Nippon Kougei Trademark
Nishimura / Nishimura Kiyosaburo Shoten. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark Logo = The letters "SN" within a diamond. Nishimura Trademark
Nemoto / Nemoto Shoten Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Nemoto" supimposed on a circle. The text may be warped so that either the ends of the word or the centre are enlarged. Nemoto Trademark
Nihon Boeki / Japan Trading. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KKK" within a diamond. Nihon Boeki Trademark
Nikko Gangu Kogyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Complex logo with "N" and possibly "K" enclosed within a large letter "G". The central section of the logo forms a tortoise motif. Nikko Gangu Trademark
Nippon Kougei. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "N" within a double circle, the inner circle being thicker than the outer. There is also a central dot . Nippon Kougei Trademark
Nishimura / Nishimura Kiyosaburo Shoten. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark Logo = The letters "SN" within a diamond. Nishimura Trademark
Noguchi. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter “N” in a triangle with a diamond shaped notch (shaded in) at the apex. Noguchi Trademark
Noguchi Seisakusho. Japan. The letter "N" superimposed on a smaller "S" within a diamond. Noguchi Seisakusho
Nomura / Nomura Toy Industrial Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / logo = The letters “TN” in a diamond. Nomura Trademark - Example Toys - American Airlines Electra II - Vintage Auto Series. Nomura catalogue for 1966 - digital download.
Nomura / Nomura Toy Industrial Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / logo = The letters “TN” in a diamond. Nomura Trademark - Example Toys - American Airlines Electra II - Vintage Auto Series. Nomura catalogue for 1966 - digital download.
Ohara / Ohara Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / logo = Graphic only. A series of three concentric circles with various cut-outs along the horizontal and vertical axes. The outer circle is formed into an inverted v-shaped notch at the base. Ohara Trademark
Ohki / Ohki Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / logo = The letter "K" within a circle. Ohki Trademark
Ohta / Ohta Kasaburo / Ohta Syoten. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within a letter "O" with dark background. Ohta Trademark - Example Toys - Tommy Turn Turtles - Walking Tortoise
Oka / Oka Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "OKA" within a diamond. Oka Trademark
Okabe / Okabe Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A letter "Y" within a larger "O" superimposed on a semicircular motif with horizontal lines. Okabe Trademark
Okuma / Okuma Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Four roughly T-shaped elements radiating from a centre. The down strokes of the T's being interlaced with a central diamond shape. Okuma Trademark
Okyasu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "EO" in a diamond. Okyasu Trademark
Ono / Ono Toy Co., Ltd. Japan. The letters "ONO" in a diamond. Ono Trademark
Oshika / Oshika Seisakusho. Japan. The letters "OS" in a diamond. Oshika Trademark
Plaything. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
RS. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "RS" in a diamond. RS Trademark
Royal. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Ohki / Ohki Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / logo = The letter "K" within a circle. Ohki Trademark
Ohta / Ohta Kasaburo / Ohta Syoten. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within a letter "O" with dark background. Ohta Trademark - Example Toys - Tommy Turn Turtles - Walking Tortoise
Oka / Oka Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "OKA" within a diamond. Oka Trademark
Okabe / Okabe Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A letter "Y" within a larger "O" superimposed on a semicircular motif with horizontal lines. Okabe Trademark
Okuma / Okuma Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Four roughly T-shaped elements radiating from a centre. The down strokes of the T's being interlaced with a central diamond shape. Okuma Trademark
Okyasu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "EO" in a diamond. Okyasu Trademark
Ono / Ono Toy Co., Ltd. Japan. The letters "ONO" in a diamond. Ono Trademark
Oshika / Oshika Seisakusho. Japan. The letters "OS" in a diamond. Oshika Trademark
Plaything. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
RS. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "RS" in a diamond. RS Trademark
Royal. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Saito / Saito Gangu / Saito Gangu Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The alphanumeric “S2” in a diamond. Saito Trademark
Sakai / Sakai Seisakusho / Sakai Seisakusho Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Sakai" within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from what looks like four swords. The nearly identical logo with the company name replaced with the letters "SS" probably also belongs to Sakai. Produced tinplate and diecast toys, tinplate boats with electric outboard motors etc. Sakai Trademark
Sanei Toy Company Ltd. / Sanei Gangu Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "AAA" in a row. The central "A" being slightly larger. Sanei Trademark
Sanesu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters “SSS” in front of a three peaked mountain symbol, the right hand peak being larger. [n.b. according to some sources]
Sankei / Sankei Gangu Kogyo. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within three concentric circles which are divided into quadrants. Sankei Trademark
Sakai / Sakai Seisakusho / Sakai Seisakusho Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Sakai" within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from what looks like four swords. The nearly identical logo with the company name replaced with the letters "SS" probably also belongs to Sakai. Produced tinplate and diecast toys, tinplate boats with electric outboard motors etc. Sakai Trademark
Sanei Toy Company Ltd. / Sanei Gangu Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "AAA" in a row. The central "A" being slightly larger. Sanei Trademark
Sanesu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters “SSS” in front of a three peaked mountain symbol, the right hand peak being larger. [n.b. according to some sources]
Sankei / Sankei Gangu Kogyo. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "K" within three concentric circles which are divided into quadrants. Sankei Trademark
Sanko / Sanko Seisakusho. Japan. Currently still making tin toys. Trademark / Logo = Letter “Y” in a circle. Frequently misidentified as Yone (Yoneya) or Yonezawa. Sanko Seisakusho Site - Sanko Trademark - Example Toys - Old Sport Car
Sankou Seiki Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Anchor with six pointed star superimposed. Sankouseiki Trademark
Sano / Sano Kinzoku Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = the letter "Y" superimposed on a letter "S" within a circle. Sano Trademark
Sanshin / Sanshin Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Triangle within a circle. The triangle is divided into five alternating black/white (or background colour) bars arranged horizontally. Sanshin Trademark - Example Toys - Remote Control Car (MGA)
Sankou Seiki Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Anchor with six pointed star superimposed. Sankouseiki Trademark
Sano / Sano Kinzoku Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = the letter "Y" superimposed on a letter "S" within a circle. Sano Trademark
Sanshin / Sanshin Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Triangle within a circle. The triangle is divided into five alternating black/white (or background colour) bars arranged horizontally. Sanshin Trademark - Example Toys - Remote Control Car (MGA)
Sanyo Toys Co., Ltd / Sanyo Shoten Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A pseudo heraldic mark, the letter "S" within a shield with the word "Sanyo", within a motto scroll, superimposed. Sanyo Trademark
Sanyu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Sanyu" formed into a key like motif. Sanyu Trademark
Sato / Sato Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TO & Y" with the down-stroke of the "T" positioned in the central opening of the "O" and the "Y" on the cross-stroke of the "T" (to spell toy presumably). Sato Trademark
Shibuya Toy / Shibuya Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "S" placed within two equilateral triangles arranged so as to form a six pointed star, within a circle. With three of the star's points shaded. Shibuya Toy Trademark
Shibuya / Shibuya Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T" and "S" placed within an oval. Shibuya Seisakusho Trademark
Shimazaki Toy / Shimazaki Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.S" within a diamond. Shimazaki Trademark
Shimizu / Shimizu Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a flower shaped motif. Shimizu Trademark
Shinkosha / Shinkosha Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Abstract symbol. Shinkosha Trademark
Shinsei / Shinsei Kogyo Kabash. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The Letters "SKK" in an oval. Shinsei KK Trademark
Shinsei / Shinsei Kogyo Co. Ltd. Sumida, Sumida Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Dolphin in profile motif (sometimes within a circle). Shinsei KC Trademark
Shinto / Shinto Kinzoku Kogyo / Shinto Metal Industrial Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SK" within a circle, within a diamond. Shinto Trademark
Shioji / Shioji Shoten / Shioji & Co., Ltd. Osaka, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SSS" in a circle, on a globe with band including the word "International" etc. Shioji Trademarks
Showa / Showa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The name "SHOWA" within a decorative 'plaque'. Showa Trademark
Sanyu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Sanyu" formed into a key like motif. Sanyu Trademark
Sato / Sato Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TO & Y" with the down-stroke of the "T" positioned in the central opening of the "O" and the "Y" on the cross-stroke of the "T" (to spell toy presumably). Sato Trademark
Shibuya Toy / Shibuya Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "S" placed within two equilateral triangles arranged so as to form a six pointed star, within a circle. With three of the star's points shaded. Shibuya Toy Trademark
Shibuya / Shibuya Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T" and "S" placed within an oval. Shibuya Seisakusho Trademark
Shimazaki Toy / Shimazaki Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.S" within a diamond. Shimazaki Trademark
Shimizu / Shimizu Gangu. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "M" within a flower shaped motif. Shimizu Trademark
Shinkosha / Shinkosha Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Abstract symbol. Shinkosha Trademark
Shinsei / Shinsei Kogyo Kabash. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The Letters "SKK" in an oval. Shinsei KK Trademark
Shinsei / Shinsei Kogyo Co. Ltd. Sumida, Sumida Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Dolphin in profile motif (sometimes within a circle). Shinsei KC Trademark
Shinto / Shinto Kinzoku Kogyo / Shinto Metal Industrial Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SK" within a circle, within a diamond. Shinto Trademark
Shioji / Shioji Shoten / Shioji & Co., Ltd. Osaka, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SSS" in a circle, on a globe with band including the word "International" etc. Shioji Trademarks
Showa / Showa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The name "SHOWA" within a decorative 'plaque'. Showa Trademark
Shoyo. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Rectangular 'plaque' containing the name "SHOYO" superimposed on an inverted black triangle with white border. Shoyo Trademark
Shudo / Shudo Shoji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word Shudo with the top section of the S extended around the word. Shudo Trademark - Example Toys - Astroray Gun
Sinsei / Sinsei Kiki Kogyo / Sinsei Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The Letters "SKK" within a diamond. Sinsei Trademark
'SN Circle Mark'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Spesco. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Spesco" within a diamond (shaded/infilled in black). Spesco Trademark
'SSN Oval Mark'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SSN" within an oval. SSN Trademark
'ST (Propeller Mark)'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "ST" arranged vertically, the S above the T, over a three blade propeller motif. The letter S Is intertwined with the upper blade of the propeller. The whole is superimposed on a circle. ST Trademark
Suda / Suda Kinzoku Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SK" within three concentric circles. The circles are broken into three segments by three gaps. Suda Trademark
Suzuki / Suzuki Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Suzuki" on a motto scroll or band placed across a circle. Small circular notch removed from base of main circle and added to top. Suzuki Trademark. Example Toys - Bell Cycle Rabbit
Sinsei / Sinsei Kiki Kogyo / Sinsei Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The Letters "SKK" within a diamond. Sinsei Trademark
'SN Circle Mark'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Spesco. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Spesco" within a diamond (shaded/infilled in black). Spesco Trademark
'SSN Oval Mark'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SSN" within an oval. SSN Trademark
'ST (Propeller Mark)'. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "ST" arranged vertically, the S above the T, over a three blade propeller motif. The letter S Is intertwined with the upper blade of the propeller. The whole is superimposed on a circle. ST Trademark
Suda / Suda Kinzoku Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SK" within three concentric circles. The circles are broken into three segments by three gaps. Suda Trademark
Suzuki / Suzuki Gangu Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The word "Suzuki" on a motto scroll or band placed across a circle. Small circular notch removed from base of main circle and added to top. Suzuki Trademark. Example Toys - Bell Cycle Rabbit
Suzuki & Edwards Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "S & E" within a diamond. Suzuki & Edwards Trademark
Swallow Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = A Swallow (bird) in silhouette with the letters "T,O,Y, & S" arranged adjacent to wing and tail tips. Swallow Toys Trademark
'T Arrow Mark'. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" within an arrow symbol, superimposed on the flights. T Arrow Trademark - Example Toys - Space Atomic Gun - Space Universe Gun
Tada / Tada Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Tada", with the cross-stroke of the initial T extended over the other letters, within a bullet shaped symbol. Tada Trademark
Tagai / Tagai Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KT" within a diamond. Tagai Trademark
Taguchi Toy Co. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Taguchi" within a rectangular banner superimposed on the word "Toy". Taguchi Trademark
Tahara / Tahara Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "STS" within a diamond. Tahara Trademark
Taico. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Taico" stylised (italicized and underlined). Taico Trademark
Taiyo / Taiyo Kogyo Company. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Robot. Taiyo Kogyo Trademark Toys - Big Machine - Love Love Beetle - M4 Combat Tank
Taiyo / Taiyo Shokai. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" within a triangle which is superimposed on the bottom section of a circle. Taiyo Shokai Trademark
Takatoku / Takatoku Gangu Co., Ltd. / Takatoku Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Founded unknown - closed 1983. Initially produced tin toys and then moved on to plastic and diecast toys. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.T" in a diamond. Takatoku Trademark - Example Toys - Jet Gun - Twin Prop Plane - Union Pacific Express - World Traveling
Tamiya / Tamiya Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The Letters "STS" arranged within a double diamond (one within the other). Tamiya Trademark
Taniguchi Shoten Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" superimposed on an "S" within a diamond. Taniguchi Trademark
Swallow Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = A Swallow (bird) in silhouette with the letters "T,O,Y, & S" arranged adjacent to wing and tail tips. Swallow Toys Trademark
'T Arrow Mark'. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" within an arrow symbol, superimposed on the flights. T Arrow Trademark - Example Toys - Space Atomic Gun - Space Universe Gun
Tada / Tada Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Tada", with the cross-stroke of the initial T extended over the other letters, within a bullet shaped symbol. Tada Trademark
Tagai / Tagai Shoten. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KT" within a diamond. Tagai Trademark
Taguchi Toy Co. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Taguchi" within a rectangular banner superimposed on the word "Toy". Taguchi Trademark
Tahara / Tahara Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "STS" within a diamond. Tahara Trademark
Taico. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Taico" stylised (italicized and underlined). Taico Trademark
Taiyo / Taiyo Kogyo Company. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Robot. Taiyo Kogyo Trademark Toys - Big Machine - Love Love Beetle - M4 Combat Tank
Taiyo / Taiyo Shokai. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" within a triangle which is superimposed on the bottom section of a circle. Taiyo Shokai Trademark
Takatoku / Takatoku Gangu Co., Ltd. / Takatoku Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Founded unknown - closed 1983. Initially produced tin toys and then moved on to plastic and diecast toys. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.T" in a diamond. Takatoku Trademark - Example Toys - Jet Gun - Twin Prop Plane - Union Pacific Express - World Traveling
Tamiya / Tamiya Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The Letters "STS" arranged within a double diamond (one within the other). Tamiya Trademark
Taniguchi Shoten Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "T" superimposed on an "S" within a diamond. Taniguchi Trademark
Tatsuya / Tatsuya Shoten. Osaka, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KTS" within a circle. Tatsuya Trademark
Terasawa Gangu Seisokusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KTS" within three concentric circles. Terasawa Trademark
TET. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TET" within a circle, the final T being expanded in size. TET Trademark
T.K. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.K" within a diamond. T.K. Trademark - Example Toys - Pop-Pop Boat
TK Toys / Teruhisa Kitahara. Japan. A number of original toys were remanufactured during the mid 1990's by the well known author and collector of tin toys, Teruhisa Kitahara. These may have the original Nikko Kogyo trademark but the also carry Kitahara's own trademark. Toys include Circus Boy, News Cub, News Dog, Santa Claus, Rabbit Drummer. Trademark / Logo = The phrase "TK Toys" on a crown/banner motif. TK Toys Trademark
Tohko-Toy Co. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Tohko-Toy" within an oval. Tohko-Toy Trademark
Tohnan. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Tohnan" with the intitial T enlarged, stylised and partialy superimposed on a circle. Tohnan Trademark
Terasawa Gangu Seisokusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KTS" within three concentric circles. Terasawa Trademark
TET. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TET" within a circle, the final T being expanded in size. TET Trademark
T.K. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = The letters "T.K" within a diamond. T.K. Trademark - Example Toys - Pop-Pop Boat
TK Toys / Teruhisa Kitahara. Japan. A number of original toys were remanufactured during the mid 1990's by the well known author and collector of tin toys, Teruhisa Kitahara. These may have the original Nikko Kogyo trademark but the also carry Kitahara's own trademark. Toys include Circus Boy, News Cub, News Dog, Santa Claus, Rabbit Drummer. Trademark / Logo = The phrase "TK Toys" on a crown/banner motif. TK Toys Trademark
Tohko-Toy Co. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Tohko-Toy" within an oval. Tohko-Toy Trademark
Tohnan. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Tohnan" with the intitial T enlarged, stylised and partialy superimposed on a circle. Tohnan Trademark
Tomiyama / Tomy. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Stylised bear-cub face (1924-1963). Founded 1924 - to present. Tomiyama Trademark
Tomiyama, E.T. Co. / Eiichiro Tomiyama Co. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = complex three pointed symbol, on circle, on star, within circle. The wording "E.T. CO." within the bottom section of the mark. Tomiyama - E.T. Co. Trademark
Tomiyama, E.T. Co. / Eiichiro Tomiyama Co. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = complex three pointed symbol, on circle, on star, within circle. The wording "E.T. CO." within the bottom section of the mark. Tomiyama - E.T. Co. Trademark
Tomuro Press Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TMR" in a diamond. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Tomuro Tademark
Toy Hero. Japan. Trademark / Logo = - Toy Hero Trademark - Example Toys - Acrobat Skier - Fanny Tortoise - Super-X X-81 Tank
Toyo Plaything. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The alphanumeric "A1" within a cog design. Toyo Plaything Trademark
Toyodo & Co. Japan. Trademark / Logo = not known. Toys may be marked with the company name i.e. "Toyodo"
Toplay (T.P.S.) Ltd. / Tokyo Plaything Shokai. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = TPS in front of a three finger symbol. Founded 1956-present.The three finger logo represents the three co-founders of the company Yoshio Udagawa, Yukio Miyakawa and Yasuo Kushida. TPS Trademark. Example Toys - Busy Mouse - Circus Acrobat Seal & Ball - Dreamland Bus In Magic Tunnel - Flying Sky Patrol Helicopter - Missile Tank - Police Car Chase - Super Flying Police Helicopter
Tsujimoto / Tsujimoto Shoji. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Antique font letter "T" within letter "C". The C forming a box around the T. Tsujimoto Trademark
Tsukuda Co., Ltd. / Tsukudaya Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Multiple trademarks in the shape of a bell. The bells may be marked with the letters "T", "M" or "I". The most ornate form also includes the company name "Tsukuda". Tsukuda Trademarks
Toy Hero. Japan. Trademark / Logo = - Toy Hero Trademark - Example Toys - Acrobat Skier - Fanny Tortoise - Super-X X-81 Tank
Toyo Plaything. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The alphanumeric "A1" within a cog design. Toyo Plaything Trademark
Toyodo & Co. Japan. Trademark / Logo = not known. Toys may be marked with the company name i.e. "Toyodo"
Toplay (T.P.S.) Ltd. / Tokyo Plaything Shokai. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = TPS in front of a three finger symbol. Founded 1956-present.The three finger logo represents the three co-founders of the company Yoshio Udagawa, Yukio Miyakawa and Yasuo Kushida. TPS Trademark. Example Toys - Busy Mouse - Circus Acrobat Seal & Ball - Dreamland Bus In Magic Tunnel - Flying Sky Patrol Helicopter - Missile Tank - Police Car Chase - Super Flying Police Helicopter
Tsujimoto / Tsujimoto Shoji. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Antique font letter "T" within letter "C". The C forming a box around the T. Tsujimoto Trademark
Tsukuda Co., Ltd. / Tsukudaya Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Multiple trademarks in the shape of a bell. The bells may be marked with the letters "T", "M" or "I". The most ornate form also includes the company name "Tsukuda". Tsukuda Trademarks
TT. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = Two capital letter T's crossed with the word Asakusa below (an area of Tokyo). TT Trademark
TTT, Tin Tom Toys. Shanghai, China. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TOM" arranged vertically within a diamond, the T being at the top. The down-stroke of the T bisects the O and joins with the centre of the M. This company operated between 1999 and 2004 producing replicas of some vintage Japanese robots. Some early replicas were manufactured with the original country of manufacture reproduced i.e. Japan. The TOM logo was placed alongside to prevent these replicas being mistaken for originals. Tin Tom Toys Trademark
Ueno. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Usagiya Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Origin of name - Usagiya is the Japanese word for rabbit. Trademark / Logo = Rabbit head (front view with two long ears pointing up). Usagiya Trademark Toys - Fire Engine
WACO. Japan. - Trademark / Logo = Globe projection within the upper part of a rectangle. The word, or acronym "WACO" below. WACO Trademark
Wakasuto Boeki. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Large letter "W" within the top part of a circle with the letters/word "T,O,Y" arranged around the lower part. Wakasuto Trademark
Wakimura. Japan. - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Yachio / Yachio Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Y" and "F" superimposed placed within a circle. Yachio Trademark
Yamada / H. Yamada. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "H" superimposed on a letter "Y" within a circle. The HY motif may also occur within an earlier 'bell shaped' symbol (copied from Lehmann), possibly denoting a metal press. Yamada Trademarks
Yamaichi Shioji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Yamaichi" within a circle beneath diagonal line and mountain symbol. Yamaichi Trademark
Yamamoto / Yamamoto Kinzoku Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "YKS" within a rectangle with a three peaked motif resting on top. Yamamoto Trademark
Yamato Toys. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK.Y" within a diamond. Yamato Trademark
TTT, Tin Tom Toys. Shanghai, China. Trademark / Logo = The letters "TOM" arranged vertically within a diamond, the T being at the top. The down-stroke of the T bisects the O and joins with the centre of the M. This company operated between 1999 and 2004 producing replicas of some vintage Japanese robots. Some early replicas were manufactured with the original country of manufacture reproduced i.e. Japan. The TOM logo was placed alongside to prevent these replicas being mistaken for originals. Tin Tom Toys Trademark
Ueno. Japan. [No information]. Trademark / Logo = - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Usagiya Toys Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Origin of name - Usagiya is the Japanese word for rabbit. Trademark / Logo = Rabbit head (front view with two long ears pointing up). Usagiya Trademark Toys - Fire Engine
WACO. Japan. - Trademark / Logo = Globe projection within the upper part of a rectangle. The word, or acronym "WACO" below. WACO Trademark
Wakasuto Boeki. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = Large letter "W" within the top part of a circle with the letters/word "T,O,Y" arranged around the lower part. Wakasuto Trademark
Wakimura. Japan. - [Adding link to trademark soon]
Yachio / Yachio Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "Y" and "F" superimposed placed within a circle. Yachio Trademark
Yamada / H. Yamada. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "H" superimposed on a letter "Y" within a circle. The HY motif may also occur within an earlier 'bell shaped' symbol (copied from Lehmann), possibly denoting a metal press. Yamada Trademarks
Yamaichi Shioji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The company name "Yamaichi" within a circle beneath diagonal line and mountain symbol. Yamaichi Trademark
Yamamoto / Yamamoto Kinzoku Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "YKS" within a rectangle with a three peaked motif resting on top. Yamamoto Trademark
Yamato Toys. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KK.Y" within a diamond. Yamato Trademark
Yanoman Shoten / Y.M. Brand. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter “Y” inside a larger letter “M” shape. The YM motif may or may no be placed within a circle. Yanoman Trademark - Detailed Post - Yanoman Catalogue 1965
Yoneya Toys Co., Ltd. / S.Y. Toys Co. Ltd. (Yone). No. 4-7.2-Chome, Misuji, Taito Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SY" or the abbreviation "Yone" in a diamond shape. Japan. Yoneya Trademark - Detailed Post - Example Toys - Acro Car - Animal Carousel - Circus Plane - Champion Rider - Coffin Bank - Crazy Train - Double Quick Dachshund - F-80 Aeroplane - Fishing Boy - Flapping Love Bird - Happy Crocodile - Hippo Bank - Jumping Robot - Lady Bug Family Parade - Logcutter With Swinging Monkey - Magic Mouse Bank - Overland Express - Porsche - Racing Car - Robot-7 - Robot With Spark - Scurry Mouse - Super Bulldozer - Super Tank / M.Tank - Turn-Around Helicopter - Vacation Land Airplane Ride - Walking Guardsman - Western Choo-Choo - Wonder Bunny - Wonder Mouse
Yoneya Toys Co., Ltd. / S.Y. Toys Co. Ltd. (Yone). No. 4-7.2-Chome, Misuji, Taito Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "SY" or the abbreviation "Yone" in a diamond shape. Japan. Yoneya Trademark - Detailed Post - Example Toys - Acro Car - Animal Carousel - Circus Plane - Champion Rider - Coffin Bank - Crazy Train - Double Quick Dachshund - F-80 Aeroplane - Fishing Boy - Flapping Love Bird - Happy Crocodile - Hippo Bank - Jumping Robot - Lady Bug Family Parade - Logcutter With Swinging Monkey - Magic Mouse Bank - Overland Express - Porsche - Racing Car - Robot-7 - Robot With Spark - Scurry Mouse - Super Bulldozer - Super Tank / M.Tank - Turn-Around Helicopter - Vacation Land Airplane Ride - Walking Guardsman - Western Choo-Choo - Wonder Bunny - Wonder Mouse
Yonezawa Toys Co., Ltd. / Yonezawa Gangu. Tokyo, Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "Y" within a five petal cherry blossom motif. May occur on the same toy as the the E.T. CO Tomiyama trademark. Yonezawa Trademark Toys - Bubble Blowing Elephant
Yoshi / Yoshii / Yoshi Shioji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "Y" within a diamond. Yoshi Trademark
Yoshida Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Two two leaf plants or saplings side by side. One plant shaded, the other not. The whole within a diamond. Yoshida Trademark
Yoshino Kogyo / Yoshino Industrial Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A butterfly shaped motif. Yoshino Trademark
Yoshiya / Kobe Yoko Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KO" or "KOT" in a diamond. Yoshiya Trademark - Example Toys - Circus Car - Magic F.D. - Space Explorer - Space Pilot X Ray Gun
Yoshi / Yoshii / Yoshi Shioji. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letter "Y" within a diamond. Yoshi Trademark
Yoshida Seisakusho. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Two two leaf plants or saplings side by side. One plant shaded, the other not. The whole within a diamond. Yoshida Trademark
Yoshino Kogyo / Yoshino Industrial Co. Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = A butterfly shaped motif. Yoshino Trademark
Yoshiya / Kobe Yoko Ltd. Japan. Trademark / Logo = The letters "KO" or "KOT" in a diamond. Yoshiya Trademark - Example Toys - Circus Car - Magic F.D. - Space Explorer - Space Pilot X Ray Gun
Alpha Graphical Trademarks (Marks Including Names, Acronyms, Abbreviations etc)
4U (within a sail or standard like symbol) = Ichiko. Ichiko Trademark
A1 (within a stylised childs face with crown) = Asakusa Toy Company. Asakusa Trademark
A1 (within a cog design) = Toyo Plaything. Toyo Plaything Trademark
AAA (central A larger) = Sanei. Sanei Trademark
ALPS (superimposed on a mountain peak logo) = Alps Shoji Ltd. Alps Trademark
AN (within a diamond) = Naito Shoten. Naito Shoten Trademark
A1 (within a cog design) = Toyo Plaything. Toyo Plaything Trademark
AAA (central A larger) = Sanei. Sanei Trademark
ALPS (superimposed on a mountain peak logo) = Alps Shoji Ltd. Alps Trademark
AN (within a diamond) = Naito Shoten. Naito Shoten Trademark
ASC (within a diamond) = Aoshin. Aoshin Trademark
ATC (on sack of Santa Claus logo) = Asahi / Asahi Toy Co. Asahi Trademark
ATD (within a circle) = Asakusa Toys & Dolls Co. Asakusa Toys & Dolls Trademark
B within C or 'B' Sign of Quality Toys = Bandai Co. Bandai Trademark
BULLMARK (on running bull profile) = Bullmark. Bullmark Trademark
CK (within a diamond) = Kuramochi. Kuramochi Trademark
C / K (one superimposed on the other) = Koshibe. Koshibe Trademark
DAIYA (within a diamond) = Daiya/Terai. Daiya Trademark
Dott G.R. (within a 'wreath' composed of two fish arranged head to tail). Dott G.R. Trademark
B within C or 'B' Sign of Quality Toys = Bandai Co. Bandai Trademark
BULLMARK (on running bull profile) = Bullmark. Bullmark Trademark
CK (within a diamond) = Kuramochi. Kuramochi Trademark
C / K (one superimposed on the other) = Koshibe. Koshibe Trademark
DAIYA (within a diamond) = Daiya/Terai. Daiya Trademark
Dott G.R. (within a 'wreath' composed of two fish arranged head to tail). Dott G.R. Trademark
DSK (within a diamond) = Daishin. Daishin Trademark
E.T. CO (beneath a complex 'star' shaped logo within a circle) = Eiichiro Tomiyama Co./Tomiyama. Eiichiro Tomiyama Co. Trademark
GAKKEN (within a large G or in a box) = Gakken Toy Hobby Co. Gakken Trademarks
H (with four arrows, with flights, arranged around it in a diamond configuration) = Hayashi. Hayashi Trademark
E.T. CO (beneath a complex 'star' shaped logo within a circle) = Eiichiro Tomiyama Co./Tomiyama. Eiichiro Tomiyama Co. Trademark
GAKKEN (within a large G or in a box) = Gakken Toy Hobby Co. Gakken Trademarks
H (with four arrows, with flights, arranged around it in a diamond configuration) = Hayashi. Hayashi Trademark
H (with inverted V shape above) = Hasegawa Gangu Seisakusho. Hasegawa Trademark
H (within a circle which is bisected vertically) = Hashimoto Co. Hashimoto Trademark
HAJI (within an oval) = Haji / Mansei Toy Co. Ltd. Haji Trademark
H (within a circle which is bisected vertically) = Hashimoto Co. Hashimoto Trademark
HAJI (within an oval) = Haji / Mansei Toy Co. Ltd. Haji Trademark
Hope (within a diamond) = Hope. Hope Trademark
HTC = Hisimo. Hisimo Trademark
Ishi (within a circle) = Ishizuka Seisakusho. Ishizuka Trademark
ITS (within a shield shape) = Ishizaki Gangu. Ishizaki Trademark
IWAYA (within complex logo) = Iwaya Seisokusho. Iwaya Trademarks
IWAYA (within complex logo) = Iwaya Seisokusho. Iwaya Trademarks
IY (I within the top section of a Y with wing design to either side) = I.Y. Metal Toys. I.Y. Trademark
K (within a circle with dark background) = Ohta. Ohta Trademarks
K (within a diamond) = Ohta. Ohta Trademarks
K (within a five petal flower shape) = Kokyu Shokai. Kokyu Trademark
K (over three radiating lines and within a partial circle). Mitake Gangu Seisakusho. Mitake Trademark
K (within three concentric circles which are divided into quadrants) = Sankei Kogyo. Sankei Trademark
K (within a diamond, within a circle) = Kashiwai. Kashiwai Trademark
K (within a partial diamond, apices removed) = Kawahara Gangu Seisakusho. Kawahara Trademark
KDP (within a partial oval which is bisected by a diagonal line) = Kyodo Press. Kyodo Trademark
KHT (within a diamond) = Kawahachi Shoten. Kawahachi Trademark
KIS (within a diamond) = Koiso Seisakusho. Koiso Trademark
KK (within a diamond) = Kamiya Seisakusho. Kamiya Trademark
KK (within an oval, the bottom and top of the letters being joined to each other and the outside oval by horizontal lines) = Kobayashi. Kobayashi Trademark
KK (within a hexagon / six pointed star) = Kowa Kogyo. Kowa Trademark
KK (within a two bladed aeronautical style propellor symbol, one "K" on each blade) = Kohno Kakuzo. Kohno Kakuzo Trademark
KKS (within a diamond) = Komoda Shoten. Komoda Trademark
K (over three radiating lines and within a partial circle). Mitake Gangu Seisakusho. Mitake Trademark
K (within three concentric circles which are divided into quadrants) = Sankei Kogyo. Sankei Trademark
K (within a diamond, within a circle) = Kashiwai. Kashiwai Trademark
K (within a partial diamond, apices removed) = Kawahara Gangu Seisakusho. Kawahara Trademark
KDP (within a partial oval which is bisected by a diagonal line) = Kyodo Press. Kyodo Trademark
KHT (within a diamond) = Kawahachi Shoten. Kawahachi Trademark
KIS (within a diamond) = Koiso Seisakusho. Koiso Trademark
KK (within a diamond) = Kamiya Seisakusho. Kamiya Trademark
KK (within an oval, the bottom and top of the letters being joined to each other and the outside oval by horizontal lines) = Kobayashi. Kobayashi Trademark
KK (within a hexagon / six pointed star) = Kowa Kogyo. Kowa Trademark
KK (within a two bladed aeronautical style propellor symbol, one "K" on each blade) = Kohno Kakuzo. Kohno Kakuzo Trademark
KKS (within a diamond) = Komoda Shoten. Komoda Trademark
KO (in a diamond) = Yoshiya / Kobe Yoko Ltd. Yoshiya Trademark
KOT (in a diamond) = Yoshiya / Kobe Yoko Ltd. Yoshiya Trademark
KS (within an equilateral triangle with concave sides formed from three diamond shaped elements) = Kaname Sangyo. Kaname Sangyo Trademark
KOT (in a diamond) = Yoshiya / Kobe Yoko Ltd. Yoshiya Trademark
KS (within an equilateral triangle with concave sides formed from three diamond shaped elements) = Kaname Sangyo. Kaname Sangyo Trademark
K.S (within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from four overlapping sword shapes) = Kawano Seisakusho. Kawano Trademark
KT (within a diamond formed from crossed sword motifs) = Komatsudo Seisakusho. Komatsudo Trademark
KTS (in a circle) = KTS / Tatsuya. Tatsuya Trademark
Kyowei (on a moto scroll superimposed on a world projection) = Kyowei Gangu Co., Ltd. Kyowei Trademark
M (within a circle with three smaller dots/shaded circles intersecting the main circle) = Nihon Alps Mizuno Seisakusho. Mizuno Trademark
KT (within a diamond formed from crossed sword motifs) = Komatsudo Seisakusho. Komatsudo Trademark
KTS (in a circle) = KTS / Tatsuya. Tatsuya Trademark
Kyowei (on a moto scroll superimposed on a world projection) = Kyowei Gangu Co., Ltd. Kyowei Trademark
M (within a circle with three smaller dots/shaded circles intersecting the main circle) = Nihon Alps Mizuno Seisakusho. Mizuno Trademark
M (with the left upright extended upwards in the likeness of a hobby horse) = Mikuni. Mikuni Trademark
M (within a triangle) = Mitsuhashi & Co., Ltd. Mitsuhashi Trademark
M (within a triangle) = Mitsuhashi & Co., Ltd. Mitsuhashi Trademark
MH (within a diamond) = Hasebe Yushutsu Gangu Seisakusho. Hasebe Trademark
MK (within a wreath) = Maruyoshi. Maruyoshi Trademark
MKK (within a diamond) = Meiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Meiwa Trademark
MM (within a diamond) = Mitsushima Seisakusho. Mitsushima Trademark
MK (within a wreath) = Maruyoshi. Maruyoshi Trademark
MKK (within a diamond) = Meiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Meiwa Trademark
MM (within a diamond) = Mitsushima Seisakusho. Mitsushima Trademark
MM (in front of a three peaked mountain) = Fuji Press Kogyo. Fuji Press Trademark
TMR (within a diamond) = Tomuro Press Seisakusho. Tomuro Trademark
Meiho (on a motto scroll superimposed on world projection) = Meiho Shoji. Meiho Trademark
M/S (smaller letter "S" placed within a larger "M", with cherub figure above) = Masuya. Masuya Trademark
MSK (within a diamond) = Miyazawa. Miyazawa Trademark
Meiho (on a motto scroll superimposed on world projection) = Meiho Shoji. Meiho Trademark
M/S (smaller letter "S" placed within a larger "M", with cherub figure above) = Masuya. Masuya Trademark
MSK (within a diamond) = Miyazawa. Miyazawa Trademark
MT (M superimposed on a T in a diamond or circle) = Masudaya (Modern Toys). Masudaya Trademark
MTP (distorted to form a circular motif) = Hikari Gangu Seisakusho. Hikari Trademark
M / Y see Y / M
N (superimposed on an oval shape with long axis arranged horizontally) = Nakayama. Nakayama Trademark
MTP (distorted to form a circular motif) = Hikari Gangu Seisakusho. Hikari Trademark
M / Y see Y / M
N (superimposed on an oval shape with long axis arranged horizontally) = Nakayama. Nakayama Trademark
N (within a triangle with a diamond shaped notch, shaded in, at the apex = Noguchi. Noguchi Trademark
NGS (within a diamond) - see Cragstan.
OKA (within a diamond) = Oka Gangu Seisakusho. Oka Trademark
ONO (within a diamond) = Ono Toy Co., Ltd. Ono Toy Trademark
OS (within a diamond) = Oshika Seisakusho. Oshika Trademark
PU (within a sail or standard like symbol) = Ichiko. Ichiko Trademark
RF (the letters on their own or within a diamond) = Fukuda. Fukuda Trademarks
NGS (within a diamond) - see Cragstan.
OKA (within a diamond) = Oka Gangu Seisakusho. Oka Trademark
ONO (within a diamond) = Ono Toy Co., Ltd. Ono Toy Trademark
OS (within a diamond) = Oshika Seisakusho. Oshika Trademark
PU (within a sail or standard like symbol) = Ichiko. Ichiko Trademark
RF (the letters on their own or within a diamond) = Fukuda. Fukuda Trademarks
SAN (within a circle) = Marusan. Marusan Trademark
SANYU (within a key like motif) = Sanyu. Sanyu Trademark
S / H (within a diamond, the S superimposed on the H, the H flattened and distorted) = Harina Gangu. Harina Trademark
SKK (within an oval) = Shinsei. Shinsei Trademark
SHOWA = Showa. Showa Trademark
SHUDO = Shudo. Shudo Trademark
S / H (within a diamond, the S superimposed on the H, the H flattened and distorted) = Harina Gangu. Harina Trademark
SKK (within an oval) = Shinsei. Shinsei Trademark
SHOWA = Showa. Showa Trademark
SHUDO = Shudo. Shudo Trademark
SH (within a diamond) = Horikawa. Horikawa Trademark
SK (within a circle, within a diamond). = Shinto Kinzoku Kogyo. Shinto Trademark
S / M = see M/S
SN (within a diamond) = Nishimura. Nishimura Trademark
SS (within a diamond/concave sides/overlapping lines at angles) = Shimazaki. Shimazaki Trademark
SSS (in front of a three peaked mountain symbol, the right hand peak being larger) = Sanesu [n.b. according to some sources]. Sanesu Trademark
SSS (within a circle, on a globe with band including the word "International" etc.) = Shioji & Co. [n.b. some sources attribute the three peaked mountain symbol (see Sanesu) to Shioji as well]. Shioji Trademarks
STS (within three concentric circles) = Terasawa Gangu Seisakusho. Terazawa Trademark
STS (within a diamond) = Tahara Seisakusho. Tahara Trademark
STS (within a double diamond) = Tamiya Seisakusho. Tamiya Trademark
SY (within a diamond) = Yoneya. Yoneya Trademark
S&E (within a diamond) = Suzuki & Edwards. Suzuki & Edwards Trademark
S / M = see M/S
SN (within a diamond) = Nishimura. Nishimura Trademark
SS (within a diamond/concave sides/overlapping lines at angles) = Shimazaki. Shimazaki Trademark
SSS (in front of a three peaked mountain symbol, the right hand peak being larger) = Sanesu [n.b. according to some sources]. Sanesu Trademark
SSS (within a circle, on a globe with band including the word "International" etc.) = Shioji & Co. [n.b. some sources attribute the three peaked mountain symbol (see Sanesu) to Shioji as well]. Shioji Trademarks
STS (within three concentric circles) = Terasawa Gangu Seisakusho. Terazawa Trademark
STS (within a diamond) = Tahara Seisakusho. Tahara Trademark
STS (within a double diamond) = Tamiya Seisakusho. Tamiya Trademark
SY (within a diamond) = Yoneya. Yoneya Trademark
S&E (within a diamond) = Suzuki & Edwards. Suzuki & Edwards Trademark
SUZUKI (within motto scroll placed across a circle, a circular notch is cut from base and added to top of the main circle) Suzuki Trademark
T (within an arrow motif) = [No information]. T - Arrow Trademark
T (within a triangle which is superimposed on the bottom section of a circle) = Taiyo Shokai. Taiyo Shokai Trademark
TT (the letter T crossed) = [No information]. TT Trademark
TN (within a diamond) = Nomura / Toy Nomura. Nomura Trademark
TOY (with the "T" positioned in the central opening of the "O" and the "Y" on the cross-stroke) = Sato. Sato Trademark
TOHKO-TOY (within an oval) = Tohko-Toy. Tohko-Toy Trademark
TPS (in front of a three finger symbol) = TPS / Toplay Ltd. / Tokyo Playthings Ltd. TPS Trademark
T / S (the letter "T" superimposed on an "S" within a diamond) = Taniguchi Shoten. Taniguchi Trademark
T / S (the letter "T" superimposed on a smaller "S" within a circle) = Manamaru Seisakusho. Manamaru Trademark
TOM (arranged vertically within a diamond) = Tin Tom Toys. Tin Tom Toys Trademark
T (within an arrow motif) = [No information]. T - Arrow Trademark
T (within a triangle which is superimposed on the bottom section of a circle) = Taiyo Shokai. Taiyo Shokai Trademark
TT (the letter T crossed) = [No information]. TT Trademark
TN (within a diamond) = Nomura / Toy Nomura. Nomura Trademark
TOY (with the "T" positioned in the central opening of the "O" and the "Y" on the cross-stroke) = Sato. Sato Trademark
TOHKO-TOY (within an oval) = Tohko-Toy. Tohko-Toy Trademark
TPS (in front of a three finger symbol) = TPS / Toplay Ltd. / Tokyo Playthings Ltd. TPS Trademark
T / S (the letter "T" superimposed on an "S" within a diamond) = Taniguchi Shoten. Taniguchi Trademark
T / S (the letter "T" superimposed on a smaller "S" within a circle) = Manamaru Seisakusho. Manamaru Trademark
TOM (arranged vertically within a diamond) = Tin Tom Toys. Tin Tom Toys Trademark
TT (within a diamond) = Takatoku. Takatoku Trademark
W (within the top part of a circle with the letters "T,O,Y" beneath) = Wakasuto Boeki. Wakasuto Trademark
W (within the top part of a circle with the letters "T,O,Y" beneath) = Wakasuto Boeki. Wakasuto Trademark
WACO (in a box beneath what looks like an earth projection) = Waco
Y (within a circle) = Sanko. Sanko Trademark
Y (within a diamond) = Yoshi. Yoshi Trademark
Y (within a five petal lotus flower shape) = Yonezawa. Yonezawa Trademarks
Y / F (one superimposed on the other, within a circle) = Yachio. Yachio Trademark
Y / M (smaller letter “Y” placed within a larger “M”) = Yanoman. Yanoman Trademark
Y / F (one superimposed on the other, within a circle) = Yachio. Yachio Trademark
Y / M (smaller letter “Y” placed within a larger “M”) = Yanoman. Yanoman Trademark
Yone (within a diamond) = Yoneya. Yoneya Trademarks
Y / O (letter "Y" within letter "O" superimposed on a semicircular motif with horizontal lines) = Okabe Gangu Seisakusho. Okabe Trademark
Y / S (the letter "Y" superimposed on a letter "S" within a circle) = Sano Kinzoku. Sano Trademark
Y / O (letter "Y" within letter "O" superimposed on a semicircular motif with horizontal lines) = Okabe Gangu Seisakusho. Okabe Trademark
Y / S (the letter "Y" superimposed on a letter "S" within a circle) = Sano Kinzoku. Sano Trademark
Graphic Only Trademarks (No Lettering Or Numerals)
Butterfly = Yoshino Kogyo. Yoshino Trademark
Circle surrounding a dog silhouette (small H on dog) = Hirata Gangu Seisakusho. Hirata Trademark
Circle surrounding two horizontal bars = Anzai Seisakusho. Anzai Trademark
Circle surrounding a bunch of grapes motif = Ichida Co., Ltd. Ichida Trademark
Circle surrounding a triangle (The triangle is divided into five alternating black/white bars arranged horizontally) = Sanshin. Sanshin Trademark
Circle (bisected by a vertical line with two partial circles arranged concentrically) = Ichimura Seisakusho. Ichimura Seisakusho Trademark
Circles x3 (arranged concentrically with various gaps and a v-shaped notch at the base) = Ohara Seisakusho. Ohara Trademark
Circles x3 (overlapping in a horizontal line) = Mitsuwa Press. Mitsuwa Press Trademark
Diamond (bisected by a central vertical bar. Each half of the diamond contains a smaller diamond) = Kuwamura. Kuwamura Trademark
Indian Head with Headdress = Ichimura. Ichimura ShotenTrademark
Rabbit Head = Usagiya. Usagiya Trademark
Robot (usually with Taiyo below) = Taiyo / Taijo Kogyo Company Taiyo Trademark
Swallow (bird silhouette) = Swallow Toys Co. Ltd. Swallow Trademark
Peach motif (with leaf either side) = Momoya Shoten. Momoya Trademark
Circles x3 (arranged concentrically with various gaps and a v-shaped notch at the base) = Ohara Seisakusho. Ohara Trademark
Circles x3 (overlapping in a horizontal line) = Mitsuwa Press. Mitsuwa Press Trademark
Diamond (bisected by a central vertical bar. Each half of the diamond contains a smaller diamond) = Kuwamura. Kuwamura Trademark
Indian Head with Headdress = Ichimura. Ichimura ShotenTrademark
Rabbit Head = Usagiya. Usagiya Trademark
Robot (usually with Taiyo below) = Taiyo / Taijo Kogyo Company Taiyo Trademark
Swallow (bird silhouette) = Swallow Toys Co. Ltd. Swallow Trademark
Peach motif (with leaf either side) = Momoya Shoten. Momoya Trademark
AHI = Azrak Hamway International Inc., 889 Broadway (cor. 19th Street), New York, N.Y., USA. Founded in 1964 by Marvin Azrak and Ezra Hamway. Aquired Remco in 1974. AHI Trademarks
B. Shackman = B. Shackman & Co., 2 W. 35th Street, New York, N.Y., USA (c. 1970). Founded in 1898 by Bertha Shackman to present day. Imported the products of both Yoneya and TPS amongst others. Although there is a Shackman trade mark the toys are normally printed with the company name and sometimes the date.
Cragstan & NGS = Cragstan Industries / Craig-Stanton-Elmaleh, Inc. & Nipon Goraku Shokai (the Japanese export office of Cragstan), 302 5th Street, New York 1, N.Y., USA. Cragstan & NGS Trademarks
Cragstan & NGS = Cragstan Industries / Craig-Stanton-Elmaleh, Inc. & Nipon Goraku Shokai (the Japanese export office of Cragstan), 302 5th Street, New York 1, N.Y., USA. Cragstan & NGS Trademarks
Elvin -
Frankonia = Franconia Products Inc., 100 Fifth Street, New York 11, N.Y., USA. Franconia Trademarks
GW = George G. Wagner Co., 575 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, California, USA. George Wagner Trademark
Hadson. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Anchor symbol. Very similar to the Harusame trade mark but without the lotus flower emblem. Hadson Trademark
Linemar = Linemar Co., Inc., Importing (Louis Marx & Co.). Linemar Trademark
Rosko = Rosko Steele Inc. Rosko Trademarks
Other Marks
ST is commonly seen on later Japanese tin toy packaging. It stands for 'safety toy' rather than for a manufacturer. Introduced October 1971.
Hadson. Japan. Trademark / Logo = Anchor symbol. Very similar to the Harusame trade mark but without the lotus flower emblem. Hadson Trademark
Linemar = Linemar Co., Inc., Importing (Louis Marx & Co.). Linemar Trademark
Rosko = Rosko Steele Inc. Rosko Trademarks
Other Marks
ST is commonly seen on later Japanese tin toy packaging. It stands for 'safety toy' rather than for a manufacturer. Introduced October 1971.
Glossary of Relevant Japanese Words
Boeki or Boueki = trade, trading.
Buriki = Tinplate.
Gangu = Toy.
Kinzoku = Metal.
Kogyo / Kougyou = Industrial Enterprise.
Kougei = Crafts, Handicrafts.
Nihon = Japan.
Nippon = Japan.
Sangyou = Industry.
Seisakusho = Manufacturing, Works, Factory, Plant.
Buriki = Tinplate.
Gangu = Toy.
Kinzoku = Metal.
Kogyo / Kougyou = Industrial Enterprise.
Kougei = Crafts, Handicrafts.
Nihon = Japan.
Nippon = Japan.
Sangyou = Industry.
Seisakusho = Manufacturing, Works, Factory, Plant.
Shoten / Shouten = Shop, Store, Business Firm.
Shouji = Commercial Affairs.
Shoukai = Firm, Company.
The information above is a summary of my knowledge at time of last posting (please see date last revised at top of page). As such there may be inaccuracies and there will certainly be omissions. The index will be revised periodically as more information becomes available. If you can't find an answer to your question now please come back later you may find that an entry has been updated. If anyone has any additional information that they would like to contribute it will be gratefully received.
Japan, Japanese, Tin, Tinplate, Tin Litho, Metal, Toy, Toymaker, Maker, Manufacturer, Producer, History, Trademark, Trade Mark, Logo, Symbol, Motif, I.D.
If you have found the information on this page useful please feel free to leave a comment. It's a great help with further development of the blog.
Shouji = Commercial Affairs.
Shoukai = Firm, Company.
Japanese Trademarks Added To The Gallery So Far. (Please note this table is now out of date, you will find many additional trade marks have been added to the gallery).
More than 200 Japanese Toy Co. trademarks now added to the photo gallery - 07/08/2014
More than 200 Japanese Toy Co. trademarks now added to the photo gallery - 07/08/2014
The information above is a summary of my knowledge at time of last posting (please see date last revised at top of page). As such there may be inaccuracies and there will certainly be omissions. The index will be revised periodically as more information becomes available. If you can't find an answer to your question now please come back later you may find that an entry has been updated. If anyone has any additional information that they would like to contribute it will be gratefully received.
![]() |
Bandai 'Cadillac Gear Shift Car'. |
Japan, Japanese, Tin, Tinplate, Tin Litho, Metal, Toy, Toymaker, Maker, Manufacturer, Producer, History, Trademark, Trade Mark, Logo, Symbol, Motif, I.D.
If you have found the information on this page useful please feel free to leave a comment. It's a great help with further development of the blog.
Hi. I am looking for a company name on a tin army tank with the logo of an H sourrounded by 4 arrows. Under the logo it has 664 made in Japan. Any ideas?
Hi Barry,
DeleteWorking on it now as it happens! Just picked up a large tinplate double decker bus, from a local auction, with that trademark today. Will be featuring the bus on my 'recent finds' page (later this weekend). If I can track down the maker will add it to the list above.
H surrounded by four arrows is Hayashi Manufacturing / Hayashi Seisakusho. Added!
DeleteKevin, You are the man from now on. Thanks for you help. Barry
ReplyDeletevery interesting, thanks for the excellent work. I do have a "futuristic" Car with trade mark T.T.K., can you please tell me the company?
Thanks and regards
I'm sorry, I've checked, but I don't have any mention of TTK in any of my references. I'll be introducing a gallery of 'unkowns' here soon so that if anyone does have information about a particular mark they can let me know. I'll add it to that.
DeleteHi man great info,
CHECK the logo:
It seems like a little doll figure.. seems very early toy (1930 or before)
Hello, All the references I have give that mark as an unknown company in Osaka, Japan. That's because occasionaly a variation is found with the "Made in Japan" text underneath replaced with the wording "Osaka Japan". Sorrry but a lot of these marks are just not known. Hope that's some help.
I have a 14" 1963 Chev Impala SS fire chief cat with a logo looks like 4 T's with a diamond in the center????
ReplyDeleteI think you may be describing the Okuma Seisakusho mark if the 'T's' are radiating outwards from the centre and interlocking within the diamond. A bit like a celtic pattern? Will be adding it shortly so you will be able to see for yourself. Hope that helps. n.b. Typing 'Chevrolet' and "Okuma Seisakusho" into Google brings up a Utube video of what may be a similar Police Department car.
Okuma Seisakusho trademark added.
DeleteHi Kevin and everybody,
ReplyDeleteI have a small tin plate car set from Japan. A police, an ambulance, a taxi and a fire chief passenger car. There is no brand name on the package or on the cars, only a red logo.
It looks like 3 petals flower. I can send pictures, if you write me an email address. Please help me to identify it. Thank you! Marton from Hungary.
Hello Marton, That ones a bit of a puzzle. The only thing I can think of is possibly Kaname. Some variations look a bit like a three petal flower. I can't leave an email address here, there would be no end to the spam. Upload your picture to some free hosting somewhere (photobucket etc.). Leave the URL here and I'll take a look although I can't promise I'll be able to identify it.
Hi, I have a Merry Gondola tin toy and on it, it says
ReplyDeleteAlps, made in Japan, but it doesn't say Trade Mark on it. Does this mean my toy might be a replica ?
A nice toy, I'd like one! I've checked all the photo's I could find and I see what you mean. I'm pretty certain it's as it should be, just a minor variation. Besides, I've never seen a replica or re-manufacture of this toy (i.e. when the tooling is bought up and the toy manufactured by another company, often in another country) and they would probably be common. So, no, unlikely.
Hi Kevin, thank you so much for your reply and opinion ! Very much appreciated ! I'm glad to hear my toy is probably not a replica !
DeleteIf you'd like, I could send you a picture of the toy I have to give you a better idea ?
Also, I was wondering, could there have been variations of the animals and characters painted on these toys ? Like one toy could have a lion and the other one a camel instead etc..?
Hello again, I know a little more about this toy now. I've just acquired a variant known as 'Musical Merry-Go-Round'. It's the exactly the same in shape and function apart from the fact that it has open 'cars' rather than Gondolas. The tin printing is also different and it doesn't carry the Alps trade mark at all. Instead it's marked Foreign on both box and toy (presumably because of post-war anti Japanese feeling). You can see the pictures I've been looking at here -
Delete as an example of your toy (you can check to make sure I'm looking at the right toy - I'm pretty sure I am). I'll also load up some pictures of the 'Musical Merry Go Round' toy to my gallery for comparison. Does your example still play music, I believe it's supposed to?
Hi Kevin,
DeleteThank you for the link. Yes my toy looks like the one in those pictures ! Although sadly I'm pretty sure I am missing two pieces. The balloons on top and one of the pieces on top of the toy on one side (hard to explain).
It doesn't really play music, although it makes some "noise" when it goes around and around.
Is there a way I could send you a picture of mine ?
I'm looking for the company name on a toy tin friction high-way patrol car with windshield wipers. The symbol on the bottom is a triangle with the letter S in the center and a horizontal line through the center of the diamond and the S. The word Japan is under the diamond. Also on the other end of the undercarriage of the car it says something "brand toys" but I can't make out what the first word is. I thought it was AHI but according to what I have read here that can't be right or it wouldn't say Japan, correct? Any help would be greatly appreciated. My six year old has decided that he is going to become an "American Picker" and tin cars have caught his eye.
ReplyDeleteLooking at my information I'd guess this is probably Taniguchi Shoten i.e. a diamond with the letter 'T' superimposed on an 'S' (check out my photogallery). There are known variations of this mark (which I haven't managed to illustrate yet) where the cross stroke of the "T" is reduced to a very fine line running across the diamond. The down stroke of the 'T' should also be there but it might be difficult to see. I think you're right about AHI, one of their marks does have the word 'BRAND' as part of the design (again I've not managed to add that mark here yet). I wouldn't read too much into the fact that you have the word 'Japan' associated with it. Hope that helps.
Hey Kevin,
ReplyDeleteI've a mechanical Wood Horse with a "cowboy" rider. Perhaps called the run horse, exact match to the "Bucking Donkey" when it comes to construction/clockwork. My box is unmarked, but I have seen a similar one with a T inside a diamond for the makers mark. a single T inside a diamond. ideas?
DeleteSorry I haven't replied sooner. I'm afraid I don't have any clues on this one. The only T trademark I know of in relation to tin toys is the T - arrow trademark (letter T within the flights of an arrow).
Excellent site! I've been trying to identify Japan. (The capital letters T.A within a rhombus). Most of their toys are mechanical celluloid whirligigs like Hungry Chicks. I know the "T" represents "Toys", but I can't figure what the "A" is for. Any ideas? Thanks....Dan
ReplyDeleteHello Dan,
DeleteSorry I haven't replied sooner. I'm afraid I've no clues on this one either. I don't have any TA marks in my info. so the mark was not used on any/many tin toys. The A could stand for almost anything, a Japanese surname perhaps (like Aoki) or a place name (e.g. Asakusa).
Hiya, Here's a sticky one for ya....Circle with a three bladed propellor inside (all three blades slightly protrudes from circle) and the propellor has an "S" (at top) and a "T" below - both intertwined with the propellor! Also says "Trade mark" and "Made in Japan" around the circle so I know i've come to the right place. Box selling a 9.5 inch tinplate Ford Station Wagon (Police, Ambulance and Fire Cheif variants). Please help I've been looking a looong time.
Hi Marcus,
DeleteI know the mark you mean. Unfortunately, I think this one is an unknown. I've checked through all my references and, although it's illustrated in some, there are no clues to the identity of the company associated with the mark.
I'll be adding the ST mark here soon. I've started including unknowns in the list above, with red highlighting, in the hope that if anyone has any information they will let me know. If anything does turn up it will be added right away.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help this time.
Hi Kevin,
ReplyDeleteI have a tin battery operated train in a box. The only identification I found is a trademark on the box lid. Thanks to your site, I have identified it as Mizuno. But, after researching the Mizuno, all I can find is that they have been making sports equipment and apparel since the turn of the century. Do you know of them making tin toys also? Thanks.
Hello Danielle,
DeleteI think you've found a different company. I just did a search for the full company name "Nihon Alps Mizuno Seisakusho" (i.e. advanced search, for exact phrase) on both Google and Bing and all I could find was this page. It's likely that the company either ceased trading long ago or changed names. If it's any help Nihon means Japan, Mizuno is a family surname and Seisakusho means something like works, factory or plant (as far as I know and I'm not an expert). I'm not quite sure why the word Alps is included in the name. If I ever find out I'll add the details to the entry above.
Hello, with the symbol that you posted I already identified a car as SINKOSHA. Is there any catalog to identify the particular car? I'm trying to find a spare driver (waving hand probably). Thanks Eddie
ReplyDeleteHi Eddie,
DeleteIt's always good to know that the site is providing people with answers.
I don't think you'll find much information specific to individual makes, especially the lesser known ones online. There are a lot of racing cars illustrated in 'The Big Book of Tin Toy Cars - Commercial & Racing Vehicles' by Smith & Gallagher but it probably wouldn't be worth buying unless you plan to collect tin racing cars in general.
Hope that's some help.
Thanks for your answer, I rather collect all kind 50s-60s. Best wishes for your site, many thanks again. Eddie
DeleteI have a vintage TPS tank with track and I am trying to get more info about it but haven't had much luck. It's really kind of cool (minus the war aspect) you wind-it up and it goes around a track and under a tunnel. Sound familiar?
ReplyDeleteI know the toy you mean, it's called 'Tank On A Battlefield'. Now you have the name you should be able to find a picture on the net via Google etc. I have a similar TPS toy 'Busy Mouse' illustrated in my photogallery. I have owned the tank toy in the past although mine was marked with the name of a Spanish company (an importer) and had a different name I think. You can find TPS listed above.
DeleteHope that helps.
wow-thanks! i am impressed. :)
DeleteI have a toy with the following logo Y in the center of a cherry blossom with the word "Japan" curved around the bottom of it. Thank you
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like Yonezawa. You can check it in photogallery.
Great list Kevin - a wonderful asset for us all! I note no reference that I can find to Seki prewar toy trains. Are you a member of our Sakai and Seki Toy Train Group?
ReplyDeleteAll those with an interest are most welcome to join. I have a number of these trains, and you will find helpful info on the site.
Doug Harris (moderator), Auckland, New Zealand.
Hi Doug, Thanks! Glad you've found it useful. Unfortunately it's by no means complete. I know of quite a few companies that I haven't managed to add in as yet. Having said that I think it's now more complete than any published list I know of. I will take a look at your group and see what I can learn.
Very cool site. I am looking for an anwser. I have a racing car with 2 logo's 1. A circle with japanese signs and inside ST and a code: M1567099. 2. A globe or planet with ring and inside a japanese sign which is also a doodle.
ReplyDeleteAnybody any clue?
The is 40cm and looks like a Taiyo
Sorry I haven't got back to you earlier. ST is the safety toy mark used after 1971. One of the other marks you describe is Kyowa Gangu Seisakusho (i.e. planet projection with ring). It's one of the marks I haven't managed to illustrate as yet. The circular mark I couldn't say without seeing it.
Kyowa trademark now added.
ReplyDeleteI have an M 41 battery tin tank NO 4108 with the trade mark of TN inside a diamond. Any information would be appreciated
Thank you
TN inside a diamond is Nomura. See list above and you will also find a picture in the gallery.
Many thanks for such an informative website Kevin.
ReplyDeleteFor many years I've had a wind-up toy Cessna which I picked up at a flea market back in the 70's. It fascinated me because of the construction of tinplate and plastic and was in excellent condition.
The only marking I noticed was "MADE IN JAPAN", but today on closer inspection with a magnifying glass, spotted the swallow symbol - exactly as depicted on your site - Swallow Toys Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
Many thanks again and Merry Christmas!
Thanks for your message. I'm always pleased to hear that the site is providing answers. It all helps to build my own enthusiasm to add a little more information.
Hello Kevin,
ReplyDeleteCreetings from here in the cold north-Europe.
First i want to thank You of your very nice sites - it has reguired a lot of work!
I have old television robot box, with Y inside some Flower or leaf of Lotus? ... Sorry about my english...
And i found it from your page - its Yonezawa - Thank YOU !!!
But my robot is not same than box. My robot has a small mark - as blue/white sticker, which seem like earth(or ball) with inside letters TOY written vertically and both sides seem to be Big letter H.
Robot is not television robot like box(nro 307) , age i think 1940-early 50
Any help :/)
DeleteThanks! Glad you like the site.
It's not uncommon to find several trade marks on a toy or even different marks on toy and box. It's a consequence of how the Japanese toy industry worked apparently, with one company sub-contracting work out to another. I don't recognise the mark from your description. Have you checked this site out - . There's lot of info on space toys.
Hello Kevin, thank you for this helpful website, I am asking if you have any information on a trademark which is shown on a toy Heli-Robot I own. The trademark is 'RM' set within 2 triangles and a circle with Made in Japan below. I have a photo on my website in this link. which should make it clearer.
ReplyDeleteI would be grateful if you have any thoughts or information, Best Regards, David
Hi David, I'm afraid that mark falls firmly into the unknown category (of which there are a fair few). I haven't had the time to include it yet but it will be one of the entries with red shading over it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Hello Kevin, I have pink tin kitchen sink, fridge & stove toys, guessing 1950's,made in Japan, marked with a K in the centre, surrounded with a circle shape that forms a letter M & a wreath on the outer. Im trying to find more info on the manufacturer. Have u seen something like this & could u tell me more? Thanks. Chantal.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like Maruyoshi Toy Manufacturing / Maruyoshi Gangu Seisakusho - if you have a look in my photo gallery (via the link on the left at the top of the page) or for the trademark. There's also some pictures of a tinplate fridge which may be the same as the one you have. Finding out any further info is tricky. You can get an idea of what other toys were produced by repeatedly searching via Google etc. over a period of time (for what comes up at auction etc.). Occasionally, where a company has survived in some form and has a website, you may find a company history page which gives some basic details. Hope that helps!
That's the one, Thank you so much for your help Kevin.I had been looking through the K section. Your site is great! Chantal
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi,i have recently started collecting Japanese tin toys on a budget.I have mainly Tin friction cars from Bandai in fair condition ranging in price from $30 to $100.Can you advise me on the prices i should expet to pay and some more readily available
ReplyDeletemanufacturers to look out for in the friction car range.I realise
that condition and rareity will greatly affect price.
Also i am finding literature and books on the subject hard to find.Can you recomend some books.Finally,i have a greyhound bus that has stone or slone as the manufacured,what can you tell me adout this.
Look forward to to your comments.
Many thanks,Rob.
As far as I can make out prices for tin toys are extremely erratic. Don't just look at eBay if you want to buy, keep an eye on the competing sites like eBid, eCrater, Etsy etc. as well. It's possible to get some good bargains if you're disciplined with your bidding (don't get involved in any bidding wars etc., make sure you always snipe). Be careful of 'Buy it Now' listings on eBay as many of the prices are 'speculative' to say the least although there can be bargains too.
DeleteI don't know about friction cars specifically but Taiyo toys seem to be good value to me.
The Big Book of Tin Toy Cars series (Smith & Gallagher) is good for Japanese tin cars, not so good for European makes. I should be adding some reviews to my book review page soon.
The word 'Stone' appears on the Masakiya Co., Tokyo trademark. It will probably be superimposed on a three peaked mountain symbol (rounded peaks). It's one of the marks I haven't managed to add yet.
Many thanks kevin,
Deleteyour help is much appreciated and the information
you supply is invaluable.
I recently picked up some awesome tin toys in a silent auction here in Australia.
There was a nice 11 inch orange digger by "Daiya"
A great 14 inch fire engine by "Bandai"
Also 2 nice 11 inch speed racing type cars from "ASC".
Cost me $157 for the lot but they do look great in the cabinet.
Thanks again,Rob.
Well done. Sounds like a reasonable price for four toys. As I suggest above spread the net wide and you'll probably get a better deal. Don't forget to look at my stuff on eBid. I should be adding some nice new items soon.
DeleteKevin, I was wondering the same thing about the mark for MASAKIYA / STONE. I have a tin motorcycle. Its attached to a suction cup from a string. Ideas on the year? Value? I'm lost and cant find anything on the piece anywhere.
DeleteI'm afraid I don't have any extra info on Masakiya. It doesn't seem to be a common make. Value is literally what it will sell for. I really couldn't say. Bikes are very collectable but size, attractiveness, condition, novelty action and even fashion make a huge difference to price. The best thing to do is search online auctions, for a period of time, to see what similar items from other less well known makers have sold for.
DeleteHi there, i have a tin , battery operated T-5 space patrol tank with flying jet plane, made in Japan. 3 actions i think, but i cannot find a trademark anywhere on the toy or box. Can anyone help? Is the T in the T-5 a reference to maker maybe?
ReplyDeleteConfused Michelle :)
Thank you very much, an invaluable resource!
ReplyDeleteI'm pleased that you find it helpful.
ReplyDeleteGeez, you must be the most interesting guy in the world! Well, at least to me as I am interested in all of the same things you are...except maybe 100 or so more :-)
I just happened upon this site serendipitously as I was looking for any information on Nakamura tin litho friction cars. I have seen some on ebay of which I really love the graphics. They are a 'Buy it Now' which makes me skittish as well as being listed for $29.00. There are 4 cars in what look to be excellent condition. You may be familiar with them: one advertises 'corned beef', one 'ice cream', etc. The 'ads' are on the top. They sort of look like station wagons and measure 3.5" in length.
If you know anything about Nakamura (c.1960's) I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much.
Betsy M.
I don't know if the 'ex' would agree on your first point. Compulsive collecting doesn't go down well with most people.
ReplyDeleteI'll be adding more info for each company, where available, when I have some spare time. At the moment I'm just trying to list as many companies as I can that produced a tin toy at one time or another and associate them with a trade mark if I can.
I have a battery operated piston action mammoth tank with both trade marks. The SKK in an oval on one corner of the box top and Y inside the five petal lotus flower on the other side. Is this rare and can somebody tell me what it's worth? New Never played with and as usual box has some shelflife. I only found one online in a past auction but no selling price.
ReplyDeleteHaving more than one trade mark on a Japanese tin toy is actually quite common. It's a consequence of the way in which the industry worked at the time. I be adding some details on this to the page above soon. I can't really comment on values I'm afraid as this is too variable with condition and even location.
DeleteGreetings! We happened upon your excellent site here while researching Japanese trademarks / company logos that appear on a few items in our own area of research and collecting -- antique tabletop baseball games and baseball toys. We're not seeing them in your gallery of trademarks, but we wonder if you've run across any of them in your own research and could identify any of them. You can view them here:
An example of the sort of game or toy on which they appear is included.
It's been suggested that the leftmost in the second row may belong to a short-lived 1950s-60s company named Sanyo, but we have neither any confirmation nor further information on that.
The last in the top row may be the same as one seen at this page:
(part of )
but we're not giving them our credit card number to find out.
While we're asking about this, do you have any information about Japanese patent numbers? You can see one clearly appears with one of the trademark/logo examples on our page. We wouldn't know where to start tracing it in terms of its significance in identifying a manufacturer or putting a date to anything.
Thanks very much for your time and attention!
I'll take a look. Unfortunately there's been a gap of almost a year where I haven't been able to add any information to this blog. I have quite a backlog of marks that I know about but that are not listed. I do have details of the Sanyo trademark so I should be able to help with that one. I'll see if I can add it in the next few days.
DeleteThank you very much, Kevin -- any information or insight you can provide would be very helpful and greatly appreciated!
ReplyDeleteHi again, Kevin -- we waded into the murky waters of the Japanese patent system and did some research there, which unfortunately turned up no results between 1935 and 1980 (well outside our estimate for a date range) for the patent number displayed.
ReplyDeleteAnything to report on Sanyo or the other manufacturer marks? Thanks again!
Unfortunately I've pretty much drawn a blank on the marks you've illustrated so far. The K circle mark (1st row, 3 along) is very close to Ohta and the overlapping TS within a diamond (2nd row, 3 along) looks very much like the Taniguchi mark (which has a number of variations).
DeleteI have some info on marks for Sanyu and Sanyo but they are quite different to the ones you have illustrated. I'll add my info to the list ASAP.
I knew I'd seen the first mark on the second line of your page before (S within a circle etc.). I have a record of this one but not under Japan. I have it listed as Ichiko (Korea).
DeleteHello Kevin, thank you very much for having looked into this for us and reporting back! That's interesting and useful information you've provided. We have some new additional related material and some follow-up questions to run past you, which we'll have for you in a day or two. Don't get too far away!
DeleteSanyo and Sanyu added.
DeleteHello again, Kevin -- huge thanks for your assistance so far! Pardon our delay in following up.
DeleteWe have three further things for your consideration at our page [ ]...
First is an item pointed out to us by a fellow collector, described as an Alps product from the 1930s. We think that logo is pretty clearly that of Sanei, and based largely on the box graphics, it looks to us more like something from perhaps the 1960s, would you not agree?
Second, a tin batting toy we'd guess is a 1950s-1960s number. We don't see anything resembling the manufacturer logo in your impressive gallery. Can you identify it?
Lastly -- and we're not for a moment disagreeing with anything you've stated, just looking for clarification here -- an admittedly cursory search for Ichiko turned up the logo shown in the six images at the bottom of our page. As you can see, one notes "made in Korea," the others "made in Japan," but in each case the logo bears no resemblance to the "bar S in a divided circle" shown near the top of our page. Are you familiar with the "canopied P U" Ichiko logo, or did Ichiko make a radical change to their logo, or is this perhaps a different company entirely, also named Ichiko?
Thanks again for any additional information or insight you can provide!
The AAA symbol is definitely Sanei. Sanei means something like 3 A's I believe. The company name is 三栄玩具㈱ in Japanese which comes out as Sanei Toy Co., Ltd. if you put it into Google Translate. If you put just the first two characters in 三栄 you get Sanei. The first definitely means three but I can't get anywhere with the second (mainly because I know nothing about Japanese). I think you're right about the age.
DeleteThe G arrow within a diamond or lozenge (if you prefer) is another new one.
DeleteFor the Ichiko symbol my source was 'The Big Book of Tin Toy Cars' by Ron Smith and William C. Gallagher. It took a while to remember where I'd seen it. They have listed both the 'classic' Ichiko trademarks you've added to your page as well as the S symbol you have illustrated. Its just curious that it has "Made In Japan" adjacent to it. Ichiko is a girls given name I believe.
DeleteJust one other note. There are a number of tin toys marked with the sail like Ichiko trademark that are also marked "Made In Korea". Subsidiary company? Sub contractor? I'll see what I can find.
DeleteHi Kevin -- huge thanks for your prompt response and all the additional information! We have a friend who is in fact fluent in Japanese, from whom we've been waiting to hear back -- we'll let you know as soon as he provides some translations for us. As for "Ichiko" as a proper name, we can't say for sure -- Ishi is a popular name for girls, but Ichiko, our guess (an semi-educated guess but only that) is that's a male name. Thanks again, and we'll be back when we have more information!
DeleteHere's another K circle mark (Ohki Gangu Seisakusho)
DeleteHi Kevin,
ReplyDeletean chance you could have a look at this logo from a toy box that also has occupied japan printed on it, which dates it pretty well.
I was wondering if it is an early version of the Alps logo.
It looks like RKK but the tops of the letters have a "head" on them.
These are surrounded by a orange outline, flat at the bottom and then bow shaped above the letters with the top being 3 mountain shapes.
The toy was a few years later sold under the Minco brand.
Many thanks
I don't think it will be anything to do with Alps. I'm straining my memory here but I think I managed to find a company history of Alps somewhere. If a company has survived in some form and has a website you can occasionally get lucky and find a potted history on one of their pages. I don't suppose a trademark change would necessarily be mentioned but I don't remember any name change that might relate to RKK. Don't be mislead by the three peak motif, it's a recurrent theme amongst Japanese trademarks. I'll add it to my list of unknowns and if I come across anything you will see the details added here.
DeleteWe found a Daito made tank (M-557 rocket tank) in a cleanup and it is shown here . I have asked a few members of IIS and they directed me here for advice? Would you know when it was made and what it could be worth?
ReplyDeleteHello, It looks like a 1960's toy to me. I'm afrad I really can't do valuations as prices vary so wildly depending on condition and even your location. Having said that I would have thought that £30-£50 would be a realistic U.K. price. That's assuming that what I can see on the surface of the toy is dust and not rust and that the toy is working. Unfortunately the box is in rather poor condition. The U.S. price might be a bit more. Regards, Kevin
DeleteHi Kevin,
ReplyDeleteI have 4 HO train Rolling Stock and one being a Caboose. They just have "Japan" stamped into the tin. I did not see any logo. Any ideas who the manufacturer is?
Thanks, Ian
Hi Ian, I'm afraid I don't have a great deal of knowledge on railway items specifically. You would have to supply pictures in any case (upload to a site like Photobucket and leave the URL here). I do know that Sakai manufactured railway items. Somewhere further up this page there is mention of a site devoted to Sakai I think. It may be worth checking out. Even if your items are not by this manufacturer you may find useful links there. Regards, Kevin
DeleteHi Kevin
ReplyDeleteGreetings from France ! I happened upon your excellent site few months ago when I researched some Japanese company logos that appear on my japan jeeps collection .I found this week , a military police jeep made in japan with a logo not identify at this time and not present on your site , maybe that you could help me to identify the trade mark of it .
Here you can find the link from my site ,you will be directly on my japanese page .
Thanks for your help and congratulations for your site , hope to see new logos in the next weeks .
Hello Fabrice,
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'm glad you found the site helpful.
I am familiar with the trademark you've found but unfortunately I haven't been able to identify it as yet. I'll be adding it to the unknown marks in the gallery fairly soon which will hopefully increase the chances of it being identified.
Speaking of Jeeps I have a very nice one made by Nomura which I must add to the gallery.
Hello Kevin
DeleteThanks a lot , I will wait the informations and the pictures from this fabulous jeep from Nomura .
Greetings from France
Hi Kevin,
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful website!!! But, I didn't find the logo I am researching. I have a tin litho battery operated HO style train. It is marked Japan and the logo is a circle with a T on top of a smaller c. I sure would appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you so much.
Upload a picture somewhere and let us have a look.
DeleteHi Kevin, impressive information. You have done well to collect so much data. I have these toy cars that only have the imprint of "JAP" on the chassis. Do you know what company this might be?
Thanks heaps,
Hello Joel,
DeleteThey look like die casts to me rather than tin plate. Hunt around for a site specializing in die cast cars and you may be able to get some help.
I have a Koyo tin beetle with no patent number on it. Also the trademark is the word Koyo in a diamond that does not have extended sides. Is this an variation of the K trademark?
ReplyDeleteHello, I've not seen it before, It may be. I'd appreciate a picture if you have one.
DeleteHi, Kevin. I'm trying to identify the Japanese manufacturer of a tin friction "Space Gun." The logo is a "Y" inside a circle. It would appear to be the logo in the upper row, second column from the left in the Japanese Tin Toys Trade Marks chart post above. However, the type on the chart is to small for me to read. Would you mind telling what company I'm looking at? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBlair (Roberts Creek, British Columbia)
Hello Blair, Sorry, the link to my gallery seems to have a glitch. You should be able to click on the slide show near the top of the page and it will take you there. I'll see if I can fix it or add a link. You will find much more information there.
DeleteY in a circle is Sanko, a company which still exists. You will find a link to their site included with the entry in the list above.
Does anyone know which Japanese toy manufacturer used what appears to be a stylized "Z" in concentric circles for a logo?
ReplyDeleteI've seen it twice on toys by Yonezawa - once on a toy itself and once on a different Yonezawa toy's original box.
I have a Japanese mechanical wind up horse race #20946. It is metal and has three horses. The maker has what looks like a star of David with a H in the center. Who is this toy maker?
ReplyDeleteCheck the gallery. You will find the mark illustrated and identified there.
DeleteI would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.
DeleteThank you for providing this GREAT information! I have come back MANY times and have been able to identify the makers of several, obscure Japanese made toys with your help! You are providing a much needed service. I wish you continued success. Blue Skies, R.E.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found it useful. I should be adding a lot more to the blog in the near future. I think I have another 50 to 60 trade marks which are waiting for illustration.
ReplyDeleteI have a celluloid and tin windup to with a "side view rabbit head" molded in the celluloid. Does anyone know the maker?
ReplyDeleteSorry, a side view of a rabbit's whole body.
DeleteI'm sorry but your description is just too vague. Upload a picture and leave the URL here so that anyone who's interested can take a look.
DeleteYour site helped me idendify the maker of my BMW 500 motorcycle made by Bandai in the early 1950s. I have not been able to find more information on it especially how rare and the value of it. I am thinking of selling it. It is 12" long and 5" high with a friction motor.
DeleteDoes anyone know which Japanese toy maker used a bird logo and the letters I S on each side of the bird as their trademark? Thank you
DeleteI think it's another new one. I'd love a picture if you have one.
DeleteI have a tin toy turtle. 5 1/2 x 3 1/2" Box says "Hero Player. Turtle is "wearing" a 1940's style leather helmet. (Painted on) Combo wind up or friction. Turtle also has a metal football that is seperate from the turtle. Would have been purchased after the war. (46-55) Box and toy both say made in Japan, and "Hero Player". The logo is a circle with "UN" in the lower center of the circle. STILL inside the circle at the top of the circle - above the UN - is a "(" mark but with it turned 90 degrees counter clockwise. In the center of the ( is a ' almost like a nose and smile. again all of this in INSIDE the circle. if you need pix. Turtle and footbal has the box and is in AMAZING condition. Never played with? Box is acid paper so it is coming apart. I have given up trying to find anything like it and the fact that I do not see the logo here tells me this may be a limited item.
ReplyDeleteFrom your description I don't think I've seen the mark before. I wonder if it's connected with the Hero Toy mark. I'm fairly convinced that the Hero Toy mark and the Hiro mark (HIRO in a diamond) originate with the same company. Maybe there is a third. I'd love a picture of the mark, especially if I could use it in the gallery.
DeleteI have a vintage wind up toy Robot that I cannot identify. It is marked on the back of the right leg with a "Y" in some type of border. I am not familiar with the shape of this border. Under this is "Made in Japan". Any idea on the manufacturer of this piece?
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is a great asset for us that are not that familiar with collecting tin toys. My area of interest is German H0 toys and occasionally when I buy an auction lot of such toys other toys comes with it. At present I have an empty cardboard box with lid (115mm x 70 mm x 55 mm) in very good condition with a paper sticker labelled “RACE CAR”, “JAPAN” and a rabbit head – but it does not look like the trade mark on your blog of Usagiya Toys Co since the head is rounder and without whiskers. Could it still be Usagiya? If you are interested in taking a look at it, I could email you a picture of the label.
Best regards
Erik K
Hi Erik, Glad you find the site useful. It's probably still Usagiya, the marks can vary quite a bit with some companies. Difficult to say without seeing it. Upload a picture somewhere and leave the URL here, that way anyone can take a look.
DeleteHi Kevin,
ReplyDeleteGreat list of Japan toy makers. It has already help me identify several makers. I have a small Gold Star Transfer Company semi truck about 10" in length and about 3 inches high. It has the words Made In Japan with an Indian Chief with feather head dress inside a circle. This mark appears between the In and Japan wording.
Ichimura is the only maker mentioned with an Indian in head dress but it is very elongated with no circle.
Could this be Ichimura or someone else?
Big Thanks
Hi Rod, Glad you find the blog useful. Yes, there is a version of the Ichimura trade mark which is as you describe. Must add it to the list.
DeleteI collect tin toy watches and have this logo on the cardboard display a diamond with W S on each side on top and N Y on each side on the bottom. Also looking for two USA Manufacturers Winwood and Silbros Thank You Dennis
ReplyDeleteHello Dennis, Sorry, I haven't got any info on that one. US marks are outside my area of knowledge I'm afraid. A lot of tin toy watches were sold through Ichimura. I'll add scans of some of the relevant catalogue pages when I get a chance. There were a lot of different watches produced with various themes. You may find it useful.
DeleteI also have a Japanese tin toy watch with SAN 5 in a rectangle on the cardboard display and a red crown on the dial. Is this the same company as SAN in a circle ??
Deletehello is there anywhere to buy tin parts for the et co yonezawa convair b-36 tin airplane? im in need of one of the rocket engines that hang under the wing tip, thanks for any information.
ReplyDeletetake care
I'm afraid I don't know of anywhere at the moment.
DeleteThanks for your seems a hard one to find
DeleteTake Care
Hello - seems like the links to view the actual logos are not working (a few do work but most say page not found) - is there a way around this problem?
ReplyDeleteHello- great site - recently it seems that when I click the link to view the company log - it says page not found.... please fix!
ReplyDeleteYes, the change from Picassa to Google Photos seems to have killed all the links. Will fix ASAP.
Deletegentleman, I would like to produce a tin toy, do you know an economical firm that can help me to produce a limited edition?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mike
Hello Mike, That is an unusual request. I really don't know. I guess China would be the place to look these days although there is a company in The Czech republic still making tin toys (Kovap). Perhaps it would be worth contacting Welby in India. They seem to have produced a lot recently.
DeleteHi Kevin,
ReplyDeleteI have a remote controlled Fire Chief car by M Stars Mark and a Jumbo Circus Elephant. On the elephant is written the importer to US: by Walter Kraemer & Co. Ltd. NY
As I'm not able to publish pictures, hope this helps to know more about M Stars Mark.
Tom, Italy
Hi Tom, That's an unknown company which basically means I've seen the trade mark but I haven't discovered any details for the company so far. Hopefully one day we'll be able to connect a name to the trade mark.
ReplyDeleteHello- Just picked up a tin & celluloid Trotter. Logo is stretched diamond with VOV//Made in Japan. Any clue?
ReplyDeleteI've got a load more to add to the list but I've not seen that one I'm afraid.
ReplyDeletecongratulate you for your blog, this spectacular, has been a lot of help for my collection, a great greeting!
DeleteHi Kevin, what a great site you have put together! Thank you. Question: Just bought a tin toy that looks like a Ford 4 door saloon -about 16cm/ probably '30s. Trademark C.C within a diamond. Any clue what company this could be? Best regards, Hugo
ReplyDeleteThanks Hugo, I'm pleased that you found it helpful. I'm afraid that C.C. mark is yet another unknown.
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin, I just got a Greyhound Lines tintoy bus with K.K. mark within a rectangle. I tried to use your list but got confused. A little help with the name of the maker and year made? Warmest regards, Rolan.
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin, just found your blog and it is WONDERFUL!! THANK YOU for this wealth of information when it’s basically impossible to find otherwise. However, I am varying a minute from the (if you will allow me) tins to simply a more recent Abrams tank in plastic which says made in China (not remote control) that has a 9.6v inside for the lights and sounds which has a logo only as an EAGLE �� THEN CIRCLE CONNECTING TO ITS WINGS, THUS “NOT” MAKING A COMPLETE CIRCLE UNDERNEATH. Is there a chance you could also ID this logo? I have exhausted my attempts and hopefully is why I have found you as a last resort!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Barry
DeleteHi Barry, I'm afraid I don't know much about Chinese toys. I've collected a lot of information (catalogues etc.) on Japanese tin toys and often they include details of plastic toys too. Unfortunately I have nothing on China.
Deletehave windup celluloid prewar japan toy has rabbit head logo ears are straight back not like usagiya logo where ears are straight up
ReplyDeleteHi Kevin,
ReplyDeleteThis blog is incredible. I picked up a tin and wood toy cork gun. It has "Japan" printed on the barrel along with the letters "S.T" in a diamond shape. Any idea on the manufacturer? Or does it stand for "Safety Toy"?
Pictures here!
No, I don't think it's the safety toy mark. It's another unknown. I have seen this pop gun before though. You can see it on page 8 of the Yanoman catalogue for 1965 (in my catalogues gallery) Art No 8280. It should be 10.5 inches long. I don't think it will have been made by Yanoman, more likely bought in. I think I've probably seen it in other catalogues too. Not much help I'm afraid but it does give you an idea of how old it is.
DeleteHi just found a 2-1/2” long metal windup toy chick. Mark on the bottom of the foot is a diamond with the letters C. P. O. inside. Can’t find anything like it
ReplyDeleteIs it definitely Japanese?
DeleteI’m not certain but it looks like it. Can I send a picture?
ReplyDeleteSend me your email. It wont show up here as I review all posts before they are published.
DeleteI have a small tin friction truck marked japan, rear license plate marked s-2000.
ReplyDeleteIs this possible saito ?
I really need a picture to have any chance of identifying it.
DeleteI found you site by accident this morning. What a great help in identifying a friction powered, tin plate aero car. Logo on the tail is a T superimposed on an S inside a horizontal 4 point diamond. Thanks to your site I now know this toy was made by Taniguchi Shoten Co. Tokyo, Japan. Who I do. Thank You for the help.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you found the site useful!
ReplyDeleteI have found a friction tin toy vintage car I have since time ago and I would like to check if is Yanoman or other brand , it only shows made in Japan is a golden 4 inches Jaguar lithographed and in the rear plate shows the number 3200, can you help me to figure out it?
Try looking in the Yanoman catalogue reproduced in my catalogues gallery.
DeleteHello, my name is Estefania, my father is a tin toy collector in Uruguay and now we are working to open a Museum. Do you mind sending us the paper with all the trade mark brands? I tried to download it form your page but it’s not possible to read the name of each brand. Thank you so much! Regards, Estefania
ReplyDeleteI'm not quite sure which 'paper' you mean. If it's the table above I'm afraid it's well out of date. It only has a few trade marks as well as one or two inaccuracies. I'll see if I can find a way to update it. You will find much larger versions of all the Japanese toy company trade marks that I've illustrated so far in the 'Japan Gallery' (link, top right of this page). There is also a simplified version list attached to my shop blog.
ReplyDeleteHello, There are several Mizuno (letter M in a circle with three intersecting dots) Electromobile toys on eBay that are misidentified as Marusan (SAN). I wrote to one of the sellers about this when I made an offer, but they haven't changed their listing or taken me up on my offer. I'm not going to bother with the others.
ReplyDeleteCould you include the Mizuno trademark logo in your list?
Thank You,
Hello again,
ReplyDeleteI found your link to the trademark graphics at the top right hand corner of this page and saw the Mizuno logo. Disregard my previous question.
I will ask you this: why do you think multiple eBay sellers are assuming the M stands for Marusan? My answer is that they know little about these toy manufacturers and are getting their information from a few other mislabeled listings and it has snowballed a bit from there. "Electromobile"is the word they have in common.